ICAD 2000 Program and Papers

ICAD 2000 Program and Papers

Preliminary Program

You can get the Preliminary Program here.
Please check it for accuracy, including authors, spelling, title, and keywords.
This information will be used for generating the Table of Contents and Index to the Proceedings.

You can now register on-line for ICAD2000 by clicking the button below.


ICAD 2000 (GIT-176)
ICAD Registration fee is $300. (US) before March 15., $350 (US) afterwards.
Students $125. (US) before March 15., $175 (US) afterwards.

Or contact Mr. Romas Mills at:

Phone (404) 385-3521 
Fax (404) 385-0727 
Email: Romas.mills@conted.gatech.edu 

All manner of payment is accepted, ranging from major credit cards to checks and Departmental P.O.s.

SPECIAL AIRLINE RATES are available on Delta Airlines. Call DELTA at (800) 241-6760 and mention File 123282A to get the special Georgia Tech rates.


Click Here for Announcement with Hotel Information

Papers Deadline

March 1, digital "camera-ready" .pdf and .ps file submission.

Late submissions will not be printed in the Proceedings.


Short papers must be 6 pages or less.

Long papers must be 10 pages or less.

Demo/Poster Proceedings Abstracts must be 1 page.

Excess length papers will not be printed in the Proceedings.


Get all files, or one of icad2000.tar.gz or icad2000.zip

Archived: icad2000.tar.gz

Or Individual:
For Word, etc. icad2000.rtf
For Latex2e icad2000.tex

You need these for Latex2e too

Here's how it should look: icad2000.ps