Fusion: An Analytics Object Store Optimized for Query Pushdown
Jianan Lu, Ashwini Raina, Asaf Cidon, and Michael J. Freedman
ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS '25) Rotterdam, Netherlands, March 2025.
VectorVisor: A Binary Translation Scheme for Throughput-Oriented GPU Acceleration
Samuel Ginzburg, Mohammad Shahrad, Michael J. Freedman
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(USENIX '23) Boston, MA, July 2023.
[ pdf ]
- Efficient Compactions Between Storage Tiers with PrismDB
Ashwini Raina, Jianan Lu, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS '23) Vancouver, Canada, March 2023.
[ pdf ]
- VirtualFlow: Decoupling Deep Learning Models from the Underlying Hardware
Andrew Or, Haoyu Zhang, Michael J. Freedman
Fifth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems
(MLSys '22) Santa Clara, CA, August 2022.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Speculative Recovery: Cheap, Highly Available Fault Tolerance with Disaggregated Storage
Nanqinqin Li, Anja Kalaba, Michael J. Freedman, Wyatt Lloyd, Amit Levy
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(USENIX '22) Carlsbad, CA, July 2022.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Efficient Migrations Between Storage Tiers with PrismDB
Ashwini Raina, Jianan Lu, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
ArXiv Technical Report: 2008.02352, September 2021.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Serverless Isn't Server-Less: Measuring and Exploiting Resource Variability on Cloud FaaS Platforms
Samuel Ginzburg and Michael J. Freedman
Workshop on Serverless Computing
(WOSC '20) Delft, Netherlands, December 2020.
[ pdf ]
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- VirtualFlow: Decoupling Deep Learning Model Execution from Underlying Hardware
Andrew Or, Haoyu Zhang, Michael J. Freedman
ArXiv Technical Report: 2009.09523, September 2020.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- PrismDB: Read-aware Log-structured Merge Trees for Heterogeneous Storage
Ashwini Raina, Asaf Cidon, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J. Freedman
ArXiv Technical Report: 2008.02352v1, August 2020.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- PoX: Proof of Transfer Mining with Bitcoin
Muneeb Ali, Aaron Blankstein, Michael J. Freedman, Ludovic Galabru, Diwaker Gupta, Jude Nelson, Jesse Soslow, and Patrick Stanley
Blockstack PBC Whitepaper, May 2020.
[ website ]
[ pdf ]
- Resource Elasticity in Distributed Deep Learning
Andrew Or, Haoyu Zhang, Michael J. Freedman
Third Conference on Machine Learning and Systems
(MLSys '20) Austin, March 2020.
[ pdf ]
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- Who's Afraid of Uncorrectable Bit Errors? Online Recovery of Flash Errors with Distributed Redundancy
Amy Tai, Andrew Kryczka, Shobhit Kanaujia, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J Freedman, and Asaf Cidon
11th Non-Volatile Memories Workshop
(NVMW '20) San Diego, March 2020.
- ReLAQS: Reducing Latency for Multi-Tenant Approximate Queries
Logan Stafman, Andrew Or, Michael J. Freedman
Proc. ACM/IFIP Intl. Middleware Conference
(Middleware '19) UC Davis, December 2019.
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Best Paper award
- EnclaveDom: Privilege Separation for Large-TCB Applications in Trusted Execution Environments
Marcela S. Melara, Michael J. Freedman, Mic Bowman
ArXiv Technical Report: 1907.13245, July 2019.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Who's Afraid of Uncorrectable Bit Errors? Online Recovery of Flash Errors with Distributed Redundancy
Amy Tai, Andrew Kryczka, Shobhit Kanaujia, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J Freedman, and Asaf Cidon
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(ATC '19) Renton, WA, July 2019.
[ pdf ]
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[ video]
- Pyronia: Redesigning Least Privilege and Isolation for the Age of IoT
Marcela S. Melara, David H. Liu, Michael J. Freedman
ArXiv Technical Report: 1903.01950, March 2019.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Poor Video Streaming Performance Explained (and Fixed)
Matvey Arye, Siddhartha Sen, and Michael J. Freedman
ArXiv Technical Report: 1901.00038, December 2018.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Live Recovery of Bit Corruptions in Datacenter Storage Systems
Amy Tai, Andrew Kryczka, Shobhit Kanaujia, Chris Petersen, Mikhail Antonov, Muhammad Waliji, Kyle Jamieson, Michael J. Freedman, Asaf Cidon
ArXiv Technical Report: 1805.02790, May 2018.
[ pdf ]
[ link ]
- Riffle: Optimized Shuffle Service for Large-Scale Data Analytics
Haoyu Zhang, Brian Cho, Ergin Seyfe, Avery Ching, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems
(EuroSys '18) Porto, Portugal, April 2018.
[ pdf ]
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- SLAQ: Quality-Driven Scheduling for Distributed Machine Learning
Haoyu Zhang, Logan Stafman, Andrew Or, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
(SOCC '17) Santa Clara, CA, September 2017.
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Best Paper award.
- Hyperbolic Caching: Flexible Caching for Web Applications
Aaron Blankstein, Siddhartha Sen, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(ATC '17) Santa Clara, CA, July 2017.
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- vCorfu: A Cloud-Scale Object Store on a Shared Log
Michael Wei, Amy Tai, Christopher J. Rossbach, Ittai Abraham, Maithem Munshed, Medhavi Dhawan, Udi Wieder, Scott Fritchie, Steven Swanson, Michael J. Freedman, and Dahlia Malkhi
Proc. 14th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '17) Boston, MA, March 2017.
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- Live Video Analytics at Scale with Approximation and Delay-Tolerance
Haoyu Zhang, Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Peter Bodik, Matthai Philipose, Paramvir Bahl, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 14th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '17) Boston, MA, March 2017.
[ pdf ]
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- Bootstrapping Trust in Distributed Systems with Blockchains
Muneeb Ali, Jude Nelson, Ryan Shea, and Michael J. Freedman
;login: The USENIX Magazine
(;login:) Vol 41, Number 3, Fall 2016.
[ pdf ]
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- Extending Existing Blockchains with Virtualchain
Jude Nelson, Muneeb Ali, Ryan Shea, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. Workshop on Distributed Cryptocurrencies and Consensus Ledgers
(DCCL '16) Chicago, IL, July 2016.
[ pdf ]
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- Replex: A Scalable, Highly Available Multi-Index Store
Amy Tai, Michael Wei, Michael J. Freedman, Itta Abraham, and Dahlia Malkhi
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(ATC '16) Denver, CO, June 2016.
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Best Paper award.
- Blockstack: A Global Naming and Storage System Secured by Blockchains
Muneeb Ali, Jude Nelson, Ryan Shea, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(ATC '16) Denver, CO, June 2016.
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- Be Fast, Cheap and in Control with SwitchKV
Xiaozhou Li, Raghav Sethi, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 13th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '16) Santa Clara, CA, March 2016.
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[ pdf ]
- CONIKS: Bringing Key Transparency to End Users
Marcela S. Melara, Aaron Blankstein, Joseph Bonneau, Edward W. Felten, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 24th USENIX Security Symposium
(Security '15) Washington, DC, August 2015.
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2017 Caspar Bowden Award for Privacy Enhancing Technologies.
- Ravana: Controller Fault-Tolerance in Software-Defined Networking
Naga Katta, Haoyu Zhang, Michael J. Freedman, and Jennifer Rexford
Proc. ACM Sigcomm Symposium on SDN Research
(SOSR '15) Santa Clara, CA, June 2015.
[ pdf ]
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- From Feast to Famine: Managing mobile resources across environments and preferences
Robert Kiefer, Erik Nordstrom, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 2nd USENIX Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems
(TRIOS '14) Broomfield, CO, October 2014.
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[ video]
- Efficient Set Intersection with Simulation-Based Security
Michael J. Freedman, Carmit Hazay, Kobbi Nissim, and Benny Pinkas
IACR Journal of Cryptology
(J Crypt) October 2014.
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- HONE: Joint Host-Network Traffic Management in Software-Defined Networks
Peng Sun, Minlan Yu, Michael J. Freedman, Jennifer Rexford, and David Walker
Journal of Network and Systems Management
(JNSM '14) July 2014.
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- A Brief Overview of the NEBULA Future Internet Architecture
Tom Anderson et al.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
(CCR'14) Volume 44, Issue 3, July 2014.
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- Automating Isolation and Least Privilege in Web Services
Aaron Blankstein and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 35th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
(Oakland '14) San Jose, CA, May 2014.
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- From application requests to Virtual IOPs: Provisioned key-value storage with Libra
David Shue and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems
(EuroSys '14) Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2014.
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- Algorithmic Improvements for Fast Concurrent Cuckoo Hashing
Xiaozhou Li, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems
(EuroSys '14) Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2014.
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- Aggregation and Degradation in JetStream: Streaming analytics in the wide area
Ariel Rabkin, Matvey Arye, Siddhartha Sen, Vivek S. Pai, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 11th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '14) Seattle, WA, April 2014.
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[ video]
- Don't Settle for Eventual Consistency: Stronger properties for low-latency geo-replicated storage
Wyatt Lloyd, Michael J. Freedman, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen
Communications of the ACM
(CACM) Vol. 57, No. 5, May 2014
(Also in ACM Queue) Vol 12, No. 3, March 2014.
[ pdf ]
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- Scalable, Optimal Flow Routing in Datacenters via Local Link Balancing
Siddhartha Sen, David Shue, Sunghwan Ihm, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 9th Intl Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
(CoNext '13) Santa Barbara, CA, December 2013.
[ pdf ]
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- Scaling IP Multicast on Datacenter Topologies
Xiaozhou Li and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 9th Intl Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
(CoNext '13) Santa Barbara, CA, December 2013.
[ pdf ]
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- A Short Primer on Causal Consistency
Wyatt Lloyd, Michael J. Freedman, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen
;login: The USENIX Magazine
(;login:) Vol 38, Number 4, August 2013.
[ pdf ]
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- Making Every Bit Count in Wide-Area Analytics
Ariel Rabkin, Matvey Arye, Siddhartha Sen, Vivek Pai, and Michael J. Freedman.
Proc. 14th Workshop on Hot Topics on Operating Systems
(HotOS '13) Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, May 2013.
[ pdf ]
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- Stronger Semantics for Low-Latency Geo-Replicated Storage
Wyatt Lloyd, Michael J. Freedman, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen
Proc. 10th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '13) Lombard, IL, April 2013.
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[ video]
- Languages for software-defined networks
Nate Foster, Michael J. Freedman, Arjun Guha, Rob Harrison, Naga Praveen Katta, Christopher Monsanto, Joshua Reich, Mark Reitblatt, Jennifer Rexford, Cole Schlesinger, Alec Story, and David Walker
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol 51, Num 2, February 2013
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- Fairness and Isolation in Multi-Tenant Storage as Optimization Decomposition
David Shue, Michael J. Freedman, and Anees Shaikh
ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, "Best papers from LADIS 2012"
(OSR) 2013.
[ pdf ]
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- Privacy and Integrity are Possible in the Untrusted Cloud
Ariel J. Feldman, Aaron Blankstein, Michael J. Freedman, and Edward W. Felten
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol 35, Num 4, December 2012.
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- Increasing network resilience through edge diversity in NEBULA
Matvey Arye, Robert Kiefer, Kyle Super, Erik Nordstrom, Michael J. Freedman, Eric Keller, Tom Rondeau, and Jonathan M. Smith
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol 16 Num 3, December 2012.
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- Scalable Inference of Overlapping Communities
Prem Gopalan, David Mimno, Sean Gerrish, Michael J. Freedman, and David Blei
Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems
(NIPS '12) Lake Tahoe, NV, December 2012.
[ pdf ]
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- A Formally-Verified Migration Protocol For Mobile, Multi-Homed Hosts
Matvey Arye, Erik Nordstrom, Robert Kiefer, Jennifer Rexford, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
(ICNP '12) Austin, TX, October 2012.
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[ ps ]
Earlier version as ArXiv Technical Report: 1203.4042v1, March 2012.
[ link ]
- Performance Isolation and Fairness for Multi-Tenant Cloud Storage
David Shue, Michael J. Freedman, and Anees Shaikh
Proc. Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
(OSDI '12) Hollywood, CA, October 2012.
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[ video]
- Social Networking with Frientegrity: Privacy and Integrity with an Untrusted Provider
Ariel J. Feldman, Aaron Blankstein, Michael J. Freedman, and Edward W. Felten
Proc. USENIX Security
(Sec '12) Bellevue, WA, August 2012.
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[ video ]
Best Student Paper award.
- Towards Efficient Stream Processing at Global Scale
Matvey Arye, Siddhartha Sen, Ariel Rabkin, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware
(LADIS '12) Madeira, Portugal, July 2012.
[ pdf ]
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Paper selected for special issue of SIGOPS Operating Systems Review.
- Towards Predictable Multi-Tenant Shared Cloud Storage
David Shue, Michael J. Freedman, and Anees Shaikh
Proc. Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware
(LADIS '12) Madeira, Portugal, July 2012.
[ pdf ]
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Paper selected for special issue of SIGOPS Operating Systems Review.
- Unsupervised Conversion of 3D models for interactive metaverses
Jeffrey Terrace, Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Philip Levis, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
(ICME '12) Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.
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- A Scalable Server for 3D Metaverses
Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Tahir Azim, Behram F. T. Mistree, Daniel Reiter Horn, Jeff Terrace, Philip Levis, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(ATC '12) Boston, MA, June 2012.
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[ pdf ]
- Serval: An End-Host Stack for Service-Centric Networking
Erik Nordstrom, David Shue, Prem Gopalan, Rob Kiefer, Matvey Arye, Steven Ko, Jennifer Rexford, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 9th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '12) San Jose, CA, April 2012.
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[ ps ] Slides:
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[ pdf ]
Community Award, honorable mention.
IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, Finalist
- Commensal Cuckoo: Secure Group Partitioning for Large-Scale Services
Siddhartha Sen and Michael J. Freedman
ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, "Best papers from LADIS 2011".
(OSR) January 2012.
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- Language Abstractions for Software-Defined Networks (Position Paper)
Nate Foster, Michael J. Freedman, Rob Harrison, Christopher Monsanto, Mark Reitblatt, Jennifer Rexford, Alec Story, and David Walker
Proc. Workshop on Languages for Distributed Algorithms
(LADA '12) Philadelphia, PA, January 2012.
[ pdf ]
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- Going Viral: Flash Crowds in an Open CDN
Patrick Wendell and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference
(IMC '11) Berlin, Germany, November 2011.
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- Don't Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS
Wyatt Lloyd, Michael J. Freedman, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen
Proc. 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
(SOSP '11) Cascais, Portugal, October 2011.
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- Online Learning for Mixed Membership Network Models (Extended Abstract)
Prem Gopalan, David Mimno, Michael J. Freedman, David M. Blei
Proc. 6th Annual Machine Learning Symposium, The New York Academy of Sciences
(NYAS ML '11) New York, New York, October 2011.
[ pdf ]
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- Bilateral and Multilateral Exchanges for Peer-Assisted Content Distribution
Christina Aperjis, Ramesh Johari, Michael J Freedman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Vol 19, Num 5, October 2011. Pages 1290--1303.
[ pdf ]
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Earlier version as Social Science Research Network: Paper 1596919, April 2010. [ link ]
- Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap in Multi-Commodity Flow Routing (Brief Announcement)
Siddhartha Sen, Sunghwan Ihm, Kay Ousterhout, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 25th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing
(DISC '11) Rome, Italy, September 2011.
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- Frenetic: A Network Programming Language
Nate Foster, Rob Harrison, Michael J. Freedman, Christopher Monsanto, Jennifer Rexford, Alec Story, and David Walker
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
(ICFP '11)
Tokyo, Japan. September 2011.
[ pdf ]
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2021 ACM ICFP Test of Time Award ("Most Influential Paper of ICFP'11")
- Commensal Cuckoo: Secure Group Partitioning for Large-Scale Services
Siddhartha Sen and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 5th Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware
(LADIS '11) Seattle, WA, September 2011.
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Award paper. Fuller version appeared in SIGOPS Operating Systems Review.
- Hiding Amongst the Clouds: A Proposal for Cloud-based Onion Routing
Nicholas Jones, Matvey Arye, Jacopo Cesareo, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet
(FOCI '11)
San Francisco, CA. August 2011.
[ pdf ]
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[ pdf ]
- Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in CDNs through TCP-Level Monitoring
Peng Sun, Minlan Yu, Michael J. Freedman, and Jennifer Rexford
Proc. Workshop on Measurements Up the STack
(W-MUST '11)
Toronto, Canada. August 2011.
[ pdf ]
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[ pdf ]
- Coercing Clients into Facilitating Failover for Object Delivery
Wyatt Lloyd and Michael J Freedman
Proc. 41st IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Dependable Computing and Communication Symposium (DCCS) track
(DSN '11)
Hong Kong, China. June 2011.
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- Frenetic: A High-Level Language for OpenFlow Networks
Nate Foster, Rob Harrison, Matthew L. Meola, Michael J. Freedman, Jennifer Rexford, and David Walker
Proc. Workshop on Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of Tomorrow
(PRESTO '10) Philadelphia, PA. November 2010.
[ pdf ]
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- SPORC: Group Collaboration using Untrusted Cloud Resources
Ariel J. Feldman, William P. Zeller, Michael J. Freedman, and Edward W. Felten
Proc. Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
(OSDI '10) Vancouver, BC, October 2010.
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- Scalable Flow-Based Networking with DIFANE
Minlan Yu, Jennifer Rexford, Michael J. Freedman, and Jia Wang
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Conference
(SIGCOMM '10) New Delhi, India, August 2010.
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[ pdf ]
Full version as Princeton CS Tech Report TR-877-10, June 2010. [ link ]
- DONAR: Decentralized Server Selection for Cloud Services
Patrick Wendell, Joe Wenjie Jiang, Michael J. Freedman, and Jennifer Rexford
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Conference
(SIGCOMM '10) New Delhi, India, August 2010.
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- Collaborative, Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation at Scale
Benny Applebaum, Haakon Ringberg, Michael J. Freedman, Matthew Caesar, and Jennifer Rexford
Proc. 10th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
(PET '10) Berlin, Germany, July 2010.
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Earlier version as Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2009/180, April 2009.
[ link ]
- Experiences with CoralCDN: A Five-Year Operational View
Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 7th USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '10) San Jose, CA, April 2010.
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- Prophecy: Using History for High-Throughput Fault Tolerance
Siddhartha Sen, Wyatt Lloyd, and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 7th USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '10) San Jose, CA, April 2010.
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[ stream ]
- Experiences with Tracing Causality in Networked Services
Rodrigo Fonseca, Michael J. Freedman, and George Porter
Proc. Internet Network Management Workshop / Workshop on Research on
Enterprise Networking
(INM/WREN '10) San Jose, CA, April 2010.
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- Rethinking Enterprise Network Control
Martin Casado, Michael J. Freedman, Justin Pettit, Jianying Luo, Natasha Gude, Nick McKeown, and Scott Shenker
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Vol 17, Num 4, August 2009. Pages 1270--1283.
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[ link ]
- Scaling Virtual Worlds with a Physical Metaphor
Daniel Horn, Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Tahir Azim, Michael J. Freedman, and Philip Levis
IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol 8, Num 3. July-September 2009.
[ pdf ]
- Object Storage on CRAQ: High-throughput chain replication for read-mostly workloads
Jeff Terrace and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(USENIX '09) San Diego, CA, June 2009.
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- Comparing Multilateral and Bilateral Exchange Models for Content Distribution
Christina Aperjis, Michael J. Freedman, and Ramesh Johari
Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop
(ITW) Volos, Greece, June 2009.
[ pdf ]
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- Bringing P2P to the Web: Security and Privacy in the Firecoral Network
Jeff Terrace, Harold Laidlaw, Hao Eric Liu, Sean Stern, and
Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 8th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '09)
Boston, MA, April 2009.
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[ pdf ]
- Peer-Assisted Content Distribution with Prices
Christina Aperjis, Michael J. Freedman, and Ramesh Johari
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
(CoNext '08) Madrid, Spain, December 2008.
[ pdf ]
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[ ps.gz ]
Earlier version as Princeton CS Tech Report TR-814-08, February 2008. [ link ]
- A Comparison of Bilateral and Multilateral Exchanges for Peer-Assisted Content Distribution
Christina Aperjis, Michael J. Freedman, and Ramesh Johari
Proc. 2nd Workshop on Network Control and Optimization
(NetCoop '08)
Paris, France, September 2008.
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- Prices are Right: Managing resources and incentives in peer-assisted content distribution
Michael J. Freedman, Christina Aperjis, and Ramesh Johari
Proc. 7th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '08)
Tampa Bay, FL, February 2008.
[ pdf ]
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- Ethane: Taking Control of the Enterprise
Martin Casado, Michael J. Freedman, Justin Pettit, Jianying Luo, Nick McKeown, and Scott Shenker
Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Conference
(SIGCOMM '07) Kyoto, Japan, August 2007.
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Highest-ranked paper. Fast-tracked to Transactions on Networking.
2017 ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Award.
- Peering through the Shroud: The Effect of Edge Opacity on IP-based Client Identification
Martin Casado and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 4th USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '07) Cambridge, MA, April 2007.
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- Efficient Private Techniques for Verifying Social Proximity
Michael J. Freedman and Antonio Nicolosi
Proc. 6th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '07)
Bellevue, WA, February 2007.
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- Automating Server Selection with OASIS
Michael J. Freedman
;login: The USENIX Magazine.
October 2006.
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- SANE: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks
Martin Casado, Tal Garfinkel, Aditya Akella, Michael J. Freedman,
Dan Boneh, Nick McKeown, and Scott Shenker
Proc. 15th USENIX Security Symposium
(Sec '06) Vancouver, BC, August 2006.
[ pdf ]
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- OASIS: Anycast for Any Service
Michael J. Freedman, Karthik Lakshminarayanan, and David Mazières
Proc. 3rd USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and
(NSDI '06) San Jose, CA, May 2006.
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Invited and appeared in USENIX ;login:
- Re: Reliable Email
Scott Garriss, Michael Kaminsky, Michael J. Freedman, Brad Karp, David Mazières, and Haifeng Yu
Proc. 3rd USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and
(NSDI '06) San Jose, CA, May 2006.
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- Group Therapy for Systems: Using link-attestations to manage failures
Michael J. Freedman, Ion Stoica, David Mazières, and Scott Shenker
Proc. 5th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '06)
Santa Barbara, CA, February 2006.
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[ pdf ]
- Content distribution as a first-class network primitive
Michael J. Freedman
Unpublished manuscript.
December 2005.
- Non-Transitive Connectivity and DHTs
Michael J. Freedman, Karthik Lakshminarayanan, Sean Rhea, and Ion Stoica
Proc. 2nd Workshop on Real, Large, Distributed Systems
(WORLDS '05)
San Francisco, CA, December 2005.
[ pdf ]
[ ps ]
[ ps.gz ]
[ ppt ]
[ pdf ]
- Geographic Locality of IP Prefixes
Michael J. Freedman, Mythili Vutukuru, Nick Feamster, and Hari Balakrishnan
Proc. 5th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement
(IMC '05) Berkeley, CA, October 2005.
[ pdf ]
[ ps ]
[ ps.gz ]
[ ppt ]
[ pdf ]
- Shark: Scaling File Servers via Cooperative Caching
Siddhartha Annapureddy, Michael J. Freedman, and David Mazières
Proc. 2nd USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and
(NSDI '05) Boston, MA, May 2005.
[ pdf ]
[ ps ]
[ ps.gz ]
[ pdf ]
- Keyword Search and Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions
Michael J. Freedman, Yuval Ishai, Benny Pinkas, and Omer Reingold
Proc. 2nd Theory of Cryptography Conference
(TCC '05) Cambridge, MA, Feburary 2005.
[ pdf ]
[ ps ]
[ ps.gz ]
[ ppt ]
[ pdf ]
2021 TCC Test of Time Award
- Locality Prediction for Oblivious
Kevin Shanahan and Michael J. Freedman
Proc. 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '05) Ithaca, NY,
February 2005.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- Versatile Padding Schemes for Joint Signature
and Encryption
Yevgeniy Dodis, Michael J. Freedman, Stanislaw
Jarecki, and Shabsi Walfish
Proc. ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security
(CCS 11)
Washington, D.C., October 2004.
[ pdf
] [ ps ] [ ps.gz ] Full version:
[ link ]
- Efficient Private Matching and Set
Michael J. Freedman, Kobbi Nissim, and Benny
Proc. Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT 2004
(Eurocrypt '04)
Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2004.
[ pdf ] [ ps ] [ ps.gz ]
Slides: [ ppt ] [ pdf ]
Highest-ranked paper.
- On-the-Fly Verification of Rateless Erasure Codes for
Efficient Content Distribution
Maxwell N. Krohn, Michael
J. Freedman, and David Mazières
Proc. IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy
(Oakland '04)
Oakland, CA, May 2004.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
[ ps.gz ] Slides: [ ppt ] [ pdf ]
- Democratizing Content Publication with
Michael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, and David
Proc. 1st USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked
Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '04) San Francisco,
CA, March 2004.
[ pdf ] [ ps ] [
ps.gz ] Slides: [ ppt ] [ pdf ]
- On-the-Fly Verification of Erasure-Encoded
File Transfers (Extended Abstract)
Max Krohn and Michael
J. Freedman
1st IRIS Student Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
'03) Cambridge, MA, August 2003.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- Reputation
Roger Dingledine,
Michael J. Freedman, David Molnar, David Parkes, and Paul Syverson
Digital Government Civic Scenario Workshop
Cambridge, MA, April 2003. [ html ]
- Sloppy Hashing and Self-Organizing
Michael J. Freedman and David Mazières
Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '03) Berkeley, CA,
February 2003.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- Tarzan: A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing Network
Michael J. Freedman and Robert Morris
Proc. ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(CCS 9) Washington, D.C.,
November 2002.
[ pdf ] [ ps ] [
ps.gz ] Slides: [ ppt ] [ pdf ]
Award paper. Fast-tracked to TISSEC (Declined).
- Economic Barriers to the Deployment of
Existing Privacy Technologies (Position Paper)
Feigenbaum, Michael J. Freedman, Tomas Sander, and Adam Shostack
Proc. Workshop on Economics and Information Security
(WEIS '02)
Berkeley, CA, May 2002.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- Introducing Tarzan, a Peer-to-Peer
Anonymizing Network Layer
Michael J. Freedman, Emil Sit, Josh
Cates, and Robert Morris
Proc. 1st International Workshop on
Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '02)
Cambridge, MA, March 2002.
- Efficient Peer-to-Peer Lookup Based on a
Distributed Trie
Michael J. Freedman and Radek Vingralek
Proc. 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS '02)
Cambridge, MA, March 2002.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- Privacy Engineering in Digital Rights
Management Systems
Joan Feigenbaum, Michael J. Freedman,
Tomas Sander, and Adam Shostack
Proc. ACM Workshop in Security
and Privacy in Digital Rights Management
'01) Philadelphia, PA, November 2001.
[ pdf ] [ ps ] Slides: [ pdf ]
- A Reputation System to Increase MIX-net
Roger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, David
Hopwood, and David Molnar
Proc. Information Hiding Workshop
(April 2001)
2001) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2137. Springer-Verlag,
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
- The Free Haven Project: Distributed Anonymous
Storage Service
Roger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, and
David Molnar
Proc. Workshop on Design Issues in Anonymity and
Unobservability (July 2000).
(PET 2000) Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 2009. Springer-Verlag, 2001.
[ pdf ] [ ps ]
Books and Chapters
- Accountability (Chapter 16, 70 pps)
Roger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, and David Molnar
Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive
Ed. Andy Oram. Cambridge: O'Reilly and
Associates, 2001. [ html ] [ book ]
- Free Haven (Chapter 12, 30
Roger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, and David
Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive
Ed. Andy Oram. Cambridge: O'Reilly and
Associates, 2001. [ html ] [ book ]
- Democratizing Content
Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University,
September 2007
Supervised by David Mazières. [ ps
] [ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]
- A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing Network Layer
M.Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2002
Supervised by Robert Morris. [ pdf
] [ ps ] [ ps.gz ]
- Design and Analysis of an Anonymous Communications Channel
for the Free Haven Project
S.B. Thesis, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, May 2000
Supervised by Ronald Rivest.
[ pdf ] [ ps ] [ ps.gz ]
Posters and Demos
- SLAQ: Quality-Driven Scheduling for Distributed
Machine Learning (poster)
Haoyu Zhang, Logan Stafman,
Andrew Or, and Michael J. Freedman
SysML Conference
(SysML '18) Stanford, CA,
February 2018.
- Performance Isolation and Fairness for
Multi-Tenant Cloud Storage (poster)
David Shue, Michael
J. Freedman, and Anees Shaikh
9th Symposium on Networked
Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '12)
San Jose, CA, April 2012.
- Serval: An End-Host Stack for Service-Centric
Networking (demo)
Erik Nordström, David Shue, Robert
Kiefer, Prem Gopalan, Matvey Arye, Michael J. Freedman, Jennifer
9th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and
(NSDI '12)
San Jose, CA, April 2012.
- A SCAFFOLD for Wide-Area Distributed
Services (poster)
Michael J. Freedman, Jennifer Rexford,
Steven Y. Ko, Prem Gopalan, and David Shue
6th GENI
Engineering Conference
(GEC-6) Salt Lake City, UT,
November 2009.
- Prophecy: Using History for High-Throughput Fault
Tolerance (work-in-progress talk)
Siddhartha Sen, Wyatt
Lloyd, and Michael J. Freedman
22nd ACM Symposium on
Operating Systems Principles
(SOSP '09) Big Sky,
MT, October 2009.
- Bringing P2P to the Web: Security and Privacy in
the Firecoral Network (poster)
Jeff Terrace and Michael
J. Freedman
6th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and
(NSDI '09) Boston,
MA, April 2009.
- Query-Anywhere Chain Replication
Jeff Terrace and Michael J. Freedman
Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware
'08) Yorktown, NY, September 2008.
- Scaling Fault-Tolerant Systems with
History (poster)
Siddhartha Sen, Wyatt Lloyd, and
Michael J. Freedman
2nd Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed
Systems and Middleware
(LADIS '08)
Yorktown, NY, September 2008.
- Measuring the Internet's Edge with
Illuminati (poster and demo)
Michael J. Freedman and
Martin Casado
3rd Workshop on Real, Large, Distributed
7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation
(WORLDS '06, OSDI '06) Seattle,
WA, November 2006.
- Building a
Practical Anycast Service (demo)
Michael J. Freedman,
Karthik Lakshminarayanan, and David Mazières
Workshop on Real, Large, Distributed Systems
(WORLDS '05) San
Francisco, CA, December 2005.
Best demo
- Saccades: Locality Prediction for
Oblivious Clients (poster)
Kevin Shanahan and Michael
J. Freedman
2nd IRIS Student Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
(ISW '04)
Cambridge, MA, November 2004.
- Shark: A Scalable and Secure Cooperative-Caching File
System (poster)
Siddhartha Annapureddy, Michael J. Freedman,
and David Mazières
1st USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked
Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '04) San Francisco,
CA, March 2004. [ ps ] [ pdf ]
- Democratizing
Content Publication with Coral (demo)
Michael J. Freedman,
Eric Freudenthal, and David Mazières
Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI '04) San Francisco,
CA, March 2004.
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