Embedded Computation using Solitons and Particles

Embedded Computation using Solitons and Particles: a Bibliography

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K. Steiglitz, I. Kamal, and A. Watson, ``Embedding computation in one-dimensional automata by phase coding solitons,'' IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 138-145, Feb. 1988.

R. Squier and K. Steiglitz, ``Programmable Parallel Arithmetic in Cellular Automata Using a Particle Model,'' Complex Systems, vol. 8, pp. 311-323, 1994.

R. K. Squier, M. H. Jakubowski, and K. Steiglitz, ``Implementation of Parallel Arithmetic in a Cellular Automaton,'' 1995 Int. Conf. on Application Specific Array Processors, Strasbourg, France, July 24-26, 1995.

W. Hordijk and J. P. Crutchfield and M. Mitchell, ``Embedded-particle computation in evolved cellular automata", Proc. Fourth Workshop on Physics and Computation (PhysComp96)", Nov. 22-24, 1996, T. Toffoli, M. Biafore and J. Leão (eds.), New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, Mass., pp. 153-158.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``When Can Solitons Compute?'' Complex Systems, vol. 10, pp. 1-21, 1996.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``Relative computational power of integrable and nonintegrable soliton systems,'' Proc. Fourth Workshop on Physics and Computation (PhysComp96)", Nov. 22-24, 1996, T. Toffoli, M. Biafore and J. Leão (eds.), New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, Mass.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``Information Transfer between Solitary Waves in the Saturable Schrödinger Equation,'' Int. Conf. on Complex Systems, Nashua, NH, September 21-26, 1997.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``Information Transfer between Solitary Waves in the Saturable Schrödinger Equation,'' Phys. Rev. E, vol. 56, pp. 7267-7273, Dec. 1, 1997.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``Embedding Computation in Nonlinear Optical Media using Collisions of Manakov Solitons,'' Int. Conf. on Complex Systems, Nashua, NH, Oct. 23-25, 1998.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, and R. K. Squier, ``State Transformations of Colliding Optical Solitons and Possible Application to Computation in Bulk Media,'' Phys. Rev. E, vol. 58, pp. 6752-8, Nov. 1, 1998.

M. H. Jakubowski, K. Steiglitz, R. K. Squier, "Computing with solitons: A review and prospectus,'' Multiple-Valued Logic, vol. 6, nos. 5-6, pp. 439-462, 2001. Also, Chapter 10 in Collision-Based Computing, A. Adamatzky (ed.), Springer, 2002.

K. Steiglitz, ``Time-gated Manakov spatial solitons are computationally universal," Phys. Rev. E, vol. 63, Jan. 2001, 16608.

K. Steiglitz, ``Multistable Collision Cycles of Manakov Spatial Solitons," Phys. Rev. E, vol. 63, April 2001, 46607.

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Collision-Based Computing, Springer, 2002.