Starting EagleEyez

You will need the Java plugin to run the EagleEyez applet. If you see the "Launch Applet" button below, then you can click it to open EagleEyez.

No JDK 1.4 support for APPLET!

If the "Launch Applet" button does not appear, follow these instructions:

  1. Click here to download the Java plugin (You need the JRE!).
  2. Install the Java plugin.
  3. Close your browser.
  4. Reopen your browser and return to this page.
  5. Click the "Launch Applet" button to start EagleEyez.

Super Zoom: To zoom in on an area of interest, you must surround it in a rectangle. Press the mouse down within the viewing window and drag it until you have selected the desired region. Release the mouse and the window will zoom in on the selected region.

Coarse Adjustments: Left Arrow Right Arrow Down Arrow Up Arrow
Move viewing window left, right, down, or up in large increments.

Fine Adjustments: Left Arrow Right Arrow Down Arrow Up Arrow
Move viewing window left, right, down, or up in small increments.

Camera (not yet operational): Camera
The camera, when I figure out how to implement it, will take a snapshot of the viewing window and allow you to save it as a jpg or gif image.

Default Zooms: Julia Set Shape Mandelbrot Set Shape
View entire Julia Set / Mandelbrot Set

Zoom in & out:Zoom OutZoom In
Zoom out or in 2x.

History: Back ArrowForward Arrow
Go back or forward one step.