Description. This course surveys the most important algorithms and data structures in use on computers today. Particular emphasis is given to algorithms for sorting, searching, graphs, and strings. The course concentrates on developing implementations, understanding their performance characteristics, and estimating their potential effectiveness in applications.
Prerequisites. COS 126 or ISC 231–234 or approval by the COS placement officer.
Lectures. Class meetings are 11–12:20pm on Mondays and Wednesdays in Friend 101. Laptops, tablets, and phones are prohibited, except for activities directly related to lecture, such as viewing lecture slides and taking notes.
Precepts. Precepts meet once per week and cover details pertinent to programming assignments, quizzes, and exams. Come prepared to participate in the discussion, not just ask questions.
Course staff.
![]() Mark Braverman Faculty Instructor |
![]() Maia Ginsburg Faculty Lead Preceptor |
![]() Ibrahim Albluwi Faculty Lead Preceptor |
![]() Oluwatosin Adewale Graduate Student Preceptor |
![]() Yushan Su Graduate Student Preceptor |
![]() Seyed Hassantabar Graduate Student Preceptor |
![]() Lauren Pick Graduate Student Preceptor |
![]() Charlie Murphy Graduate Student Preceptor |
![]() Nayana Nagendra Graduate Student Grader |
The staff is complemented by a team of Undergraduate Course Assistants. (Abigail P. Rettew, Adrian Tong, Cathleen Kong, Mick Sornwanee, Katherine Xiao, Georgy Noarov, William Li, Ariel Chen, Claire Du, Gabriel Birman, Ilene E, Matthew Yi, Shiye Su, Bill Dong, June Ho Park, Tan Shanker, Elizabeth Tian, Usama Bin Shafqat, Jennifer Yin, Rebecca Barber, Gary Hu, Allison Chang, Alexandra S. Palocz, Audrey C. Cheng, Bill Zhang, David Todd, Henry T. Wang, John Hallman, Kevin Jeon)
Office hours. You are welcome to attend the office hours of any staff member. Office hours start Feb 5.
L01 | M W 11–12:20pm |
Friend 101 | Mark Braverman |
CS 411 |
Weds 11-noon (when there is no class meeting) 4-5pm |
P01 | Th 9–9:50am |
Friend 009 | Maia Ginsburg |
CS 205 |
Sun 3:00-5:00pm |
P02 | Th 10–10:50am |
Friend 009 | Maia Ginsburg |
Lewis 122 |
Sun 3:00-5:00pm |
P02A | Th 10–10:50am |
Friend 108 | Ibrahim Albluwi |
221 Nassau St. |
Mon 2:00-4:00pm |
P03 | Th 11–11:50am |
Friend 009 | Charlie Murphy |
Friend 010 |
Fri 3:00-5:00pm |
P04 | Th 12:30–1:20pm |
Friend 009 | Tosin Adewale |
Lewis 122 |
Mon 6:00-8:00pm |
P04A | Th 12:30–1:20pm |
Friend 108 | Lauren Pick | Friend 010 |
Mon 4:00-6:00pm |
P04B | Th 12:30–1:20pm |
Friend 109 | Shayan Hassantabar |
Friend 010 |
Thurs 4:30-6:30pm |
P05 | Th 1:30–2:20pm |
Friend 009 | Tosin Adewale |
Lewis 122 |
Mon 6:00-8:00pm |
P05A | Th 1:30–2:20pm |
Friend 108 | Ibrahim Albluwi |
221 Nassau St. |
Mon 2:00-4:00pm |
P05B | Th 1:30–2:20pm |
Friend 109 | Yushan Su |
Friend 010 |
Sat 8:00-10::00pm |
- | - | - | Nayana Nagendra |
Lewis 122 |
Canceled |
Programming assignments. The programming assignments involve applying the material from lecture to solve problems in science, engineering, and commerce.
Quizzes. The quizzes consist of two or three short questions per lecture, to ensure that you are keeping up with the material.
Exams. The in-class midterm exam is March 12. The other exam is a two part exam on April 30 and May 2.
Course grades. Your grade for the course will be based on the following components: programming assignments (35%), quizzes (10%), midterm exam (20%), final exam (30%), and precept attedance (5%).
Regrades. If you believe that your work was misgraded, write a short note describing the potential mistake; attach it to the graded work; and give it to your preceptor within two weeks of when the work was returned.
Course website. This course website includes links to course content, including lecture slides, programming assignments, quizzes, and old exams.
Textbook. Algorithms, 4th edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011, ISBN 0-321-57351-X. The assigned readings are required.
Booksite. The booksite contains many useful resources while programming.
Lecture videos. You can access lecture videos that accompany the course textbook via Salon.
Discussion forum. The best way to ask a short question about the course materials is via Piazza, an online discussion forum where you can ask (and answer) questions.
Programming environment. You may develop your programs on any machine that you like. Here are instructions for setting up a Java programming environment under Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Laboratories. Undergraduate lab TAs are available to answer general computing questions in Lewis 121 and 122. They can assist you in debugging, provided you have first made a reasonable effort to identify the bug and isolate the problem. For non-debugging questions, use Piazza or office hours.