/************************************************************** * Compilation: javac-introcs Checkerboard.java * Execution: java-introcs Checkerboard n * Dependencies: StdDraw.java * * Plots an n-by-n red and black checkerboard. * Lower-left square is red. (Ex. 1.5.18) **************************************************************/ public class Checkerboard { public static void main(String[] args) { // declaration and initialization - How big? int n = _____________________________________ StdDraw.setXscale(0, n); StdDraw.setYscale(0, n); // Draw from lower left, up and across. // i is the index for the x value; j is the index for y. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; __________; _________) { if ( ((i+j) % 2) ______________ ) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK); else StdDraw.___________________(StdDraw.___________); StdDraw.filledSquare(___________, ___________, 0.5); } } StdDraw.show(); } }