Princeton University
Computer Science 116
Computers have brought the world to our fingertips. We will try to understand at a basic level the science -- old and new -- underlying this new Computational Universe. Our quest takes us on a broad sweep of scientific knowledge and related technologies: propositional logic of the ancient Greeks (microprocessors); quantum mechanics (silicon chips); network and system phenomena (internet and search engines); computational intractability (secure encryption); and efficient algorithms (genomic sequencing). Ultimately, this study makes us look anew at ourselves -- our genome; language; music; "knowledge"; and, above all, the mystery of our intelligence. This course satisfies Princeton's Science and Technology (with Lab) distribution requirement.
For a sample of the topics you can expect to see in this course, see last year's syllabus.
Professor: Sanjeev Arora - 307 CS Building - 258-3869 arora@cs.princeton.edu
Undergraduate Coordinator: Colleen Kenny-McGinley - 210 CS Building - 258-1746 ckenny@cs.princeton.edu
Name | Room | Office hours | |
Dominic Kao | dkthree@cs.princeton.edu | CS bldg 103b | Tues 12:30pm-1:30pm (or by appointment) |
Lab TAs:
Name | |
Robert Timpe | rtimpe@princeton.edu |
Sinziana Munteanu | munteanu@princeton.edu |