COS 226 Programming Assignment

Burrows-Wheeler Data Compression Algorithm

Implement the Burrows-Wheeler data compression algorithm. This revolutionary algorithm outcompresses gzip and PKZIP, is relatively easy to implement, and is not protected by any patents. It forms the basis of the Unix compression utililty bzip2. The Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm consists of three different algorithmic components, which are applied in succession:

  1. Burrows-Wheeler transform. Given a normal English text file, transform it into a text file in which series of the same letter occur near each other many times.

  2. Move-to-front encoding. Given a text file in which series of the same letter occur near each other many times, convert it into a text file in which small integers appear more frequently than large ones.

  3. Huffman encoding. Given a text file in which certain symbols appear more frequently than others, compress it by encoding common letters with short codewords and rare letters with long codewords.
The only step that compresses the message is the final step. It is particularly effective because the first two steps result in a message in which certain symbols appear more frequently than others. To decode a message, apply the inverse operations in reverse order: first apply the Huffman decoding, then the move-to-front decoding, and finally the inverse Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Huffman encoding. We implemented the Huffman encoding algorithm in class, so we'll provide this part for you.

Huffman decoding. You did this in COS 126, so we'll provide the decoder for you too.

Move-to-front encoding. The main idea of move-to-front encoding is to maintain an ordered sequence of legal symbols, and repeatedly read in symbols from the input message, print out the position in which that symbol appears, and move that symbol to the front of the list. As a simple example, if the initial ordering over a 6 symbol alphabet is a b c d e f, and we want to encode the input caaabcccaccf, then we would update the move-to-front lists as follows

move-to-front    in   out
-------------    ---  ---
 a b c d e f      c    2 
 c a b d e f      a    1
 a c b d e f      a    0
 a c b d e f      a    0
 a c b d e f      b    2
 b a c d e f      c    2
 c b a d e f      c    0
 c b a d e f      c    0
 c b a d e f      a    2
 a c b d e f      c    1
 c a b d e f      f    5
 f c a b d e  
If the the same letters occurs next to each other many times in the input, then many of the output values will be small integers like 0, 1, and 2. The extremely high frequency of certain symbols makes an ideal scenario for Huffman coding.

Your task is to maintain an ordered list of the 256 extended ASCII symbols. Initialize the list by making the ith symbol equal to the ith extended ASCII symbol. Now, read in each character c from standard input one at a time, output the index in the array where c appears, and move c to the front of the list. As an example, the move-to-front encoding of

a b b b a a b b b b a c c a b b a a a b c
is given by the following sequence of integers:
97 98 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 99 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 2
Note that 'a' is 97 in ASCII and that we have printed out the indices as type int with separating whitespace (for debugging only) rather than as type char without separating whitespace (for the version to submit). Name your program

Move-to-front decoding. Initialize an ordered list of 256 characters, where extended ASCII character i appears ith in the list. Read in each character i (but think of it as an integer between 0 and 255) from standard input one at a time, print the ith character in the list, and move that character to the front of the list. Name your program and check that it recovers any text message encoded with

Burrows-Wheeler transform. The goal of the Burrows-Wheeler transform is not to compress a message, but rather to transform it into a form that is more amenable to compression. The transform rearranges the characters in the input so that that there are lots of clusters with repeated characters, but in such a way that it is still possible to recover the original input. It relies on the following intuition: if you see the letters hen in English text, then most of the time the letter preceding it is t or w. If you could somehow group all such preceding letters together (mostly t's and some w's), then you would have an easy opportunity for data compression.

First treat the input string as a cyclic string and sort the N suffixes of length N. Here is how it works for the text message "abracadabra". The 11 original suffixes are abracadabra, bracadabraa, ..., aabracadabra, and appear in rows 0 through 10 of the table below. Sorting these 11 strings yields the sorted suffixes. Ignore the next array for now - you will only need it for decoding.

 i     Original Suffixes          Sorted Suffixes   t     next
--    ---------------------     ---------------------     ----
 0    a b r a c a d a b r a     a a b r a c a d a b r        2
 1    b r a c a d a b r a a     a b r a a b r a c a d        5
*2    r a c a d a b r a a b     a b r a c a d a b r a        6
 3    a c a d a b r a a b r     a c a d a b r a a b r        7
 4    c a d a b r a a b r a     a d a b r a a b r a c        8
 5    a d a b r a a b r a c     b r a a b r a c a d a        9
 6    d a b r a a b r a c a     b r a c a d a b r a a       10
 7    a b r a a b r a c a d     c a d a b r a a b r a        4
 8    b r a a b r a c a d a     d a b r a a b r a c a        1
 9    r a a b r a c a d a b     r a a b r a c a d a b        0
10    a a b r a c a d a b r     r a c a d a b r a a b        3
The Burrows Wheeler transform t[] is the last column in the suffix sorted list, preceded by the row number where the original string abracadabra ends up.
Notice how there are 4 a's in a row and 2 consecutive b's - this makes the file easier to compress. Write a program to read in a text string and output the Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Inverting the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Now we describe how to undo the Burrows-Wheeler transform and recover the original message. If the jth original suffix is the ith row in the sorted order, then next[i] records the row in the sorted order where the j+1st original suffix (jth suffix, shifted one character to the right) appears. For example, the 0th original suffix abracadabra is row 2 of the sorted order and next[2] = 6, so the next original suffix bracadabraa is row 6 of the sorted order. Knowing the array next[] makes decoding easy, as with the following Java code:

int N = 11;
int[] next = { 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 1, 0, 3 };
String t = "rdarcaaaabb";
int x = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
   x = next[x];
Amazingly, the information contained in the Burrows-Wheeler transform is enough to reconstruct next[], and hence the original message! First, we know all of the characters in the original message, even if they're permuted in the wrong order. This enables us to reconstruct the first column in the suffix sorted list by sorting the characters. Since c only occurs once in the message and the suffixes are formed using cyclic wrap-around, we can deduce that next[7] = 4. Similarly, d only occurs once, so we can deduce that next[8] = 1.
 i      Sorted Suffixes   t      next
--    ---------------------      ----
 0    a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? r
 1    a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d
*2    a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a
 3    a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? r 
 4    a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? c
 5    b ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a
 6    b ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a
 7    c ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a        4
 8    d ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a        1
 9    r ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? b
10    r ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? b
However, since r appears twice, it may seem ambiguous whether next[9] = 0 and next[10] = 3, or whether next[9] = 3 and next[10] = 0. Here's the key rule that resolves the ambiguity:
If sorted row i and j both start with the same letter and i < j, then next[i] < next[j].
This rule implies next[9] = 0 and next[10] = 3. But why is this rule valid? The rows are sorted so row 9 is lexicographically less than row 10. Thus the nine unknown characters in row 9 must be less than the the nine unknown characters in row 10 (since both start with r). We also know that between the two rows that end with r, row 0 is less than row 3. But, the nine unknown characters in row 9 and 10 are precisely the first nine characters in rows 0 and 3. Thus, next[9] = 0 and next[10] = 3 or this would contradict the fact that the suffixes were sorted.

Name your program and check that it recovers any text message encoded with

Analysis. Once you have all 6 programs working, compress some of these text files. Calculate the compression ratio achieved for each file. Also, report the time to compress and decompress each file.

This assignment was developed by Kevin Wayne.
Copyright © 2004.