Princeton University
Computer Science 111
The laboratory is complementary to the classroom work, uses PCs, and is based on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Students will ``surf'' the internet and construct their own home pages in the first few weeks. They will add to their home pages throughout the semester, while exploring a broad spectrum of practical applications, including graphics, digital sound and spreadsheets. There will also be labs that provide a gentle introduction to programming in Visual Basic.
COS111 is a broad introduction to the fundamental ideas of computer science and the influence of these ideas on modern technology. Classic computer science questions will be investigated: How is information represented? How do modern computer systems work? How are computational tasks accomplished through algorithms? What are the limits of computation? Examples are taken from current widespread applications such as searching the Web and computer game playing. The goal of this course is to give students an understanding of computers and computing that will allow them to recognize and appreciate the difference between fundamental capabilities and limitations of computing and fleeting artifacts of today's technology, to quickly adapt as users to the rapid advances in technology, and to use technological understanding in the social assessment of computational solutions to a variety of problems.
COS109 will also give students an introduction to computing, but is less computer-science oriented and will spend less time on computer science per se. Topics and case studies will be motivated by current issues and events that involve computing and computers, and will include discussion of how hardware and software work; what programming is and why it is hard; how the Internet and the Web operate; usability, reliability; electronic commerce; security, privacy. It will also touch on fundamental ideas from computer science, and some of the inherent limitations of computers. Topics will be covered at sufficient depth for students to understand how technology works, how it affects the world they live in, and how to use this knowledge to make intelligent decisions about technology.
A student cannot get credit for both COS109 and COS111. Both courses satisfy the quantitative reasoning (QR) AB distribution requirement. Neither course satisfies the BSE computing requirement.
COS126 is a technical introduction to computer science. It is also a
broad introduction to the fundamental ideas of computer science, but at
more technical depth. Students in COS126 also develop programming skills.
COS126 is the only introductory computer science course that serves as
prerequisite to more advanced computer science courses and that can be
used to satisfy the BSE computing requirement. It also satisfies the quantitative
reasoning (QR) AB distribution requirement. COS 126 CAN be taken for credit
by students who have taken either of COS111 or COS109.
Undergraduate Coordinator: Tina McCoy - 410 CS Building - 258-1746 tmmccoy@cs.princeton.edu
Teaching Assistant: Ram
Rangan - 004, CS Building (609) 258-1785 r a m @ c s . p r i n c e t o n . e d u
office hour: Monday 3:30-4:30 pm at Friend 009
The easiest way to reach any of us to make an appointment or ask a quick question is by email. Feel free to call, but most of us check our email more often than our voice mail.