Recently, we've been working with higher levels of abstraction: data structures like stacks, queues, lists, trees, Rational numbers, etc. They have been built upon more primitive data types like pointers and ints. Now we're going to look at low levels of the computer architecture and look at how computers are built up in successive levels of abstraction.
At the lowest level, there are switches, wires, and electrical current. Values are either on or off - corresponding directly to whether a switch is on or off and to whether a wire is connected to a power source or not. These low levels are the domain of electrical or computer engineers. Computer scientists don't usually worry about details at this primitive level. However, it is important that computer scientists understand the limitations of the hardware. This is analagous to the situation we encountered in the Rational Arithmetic program. In theory, the client program (e.c) didn't need to know how the functions in the interface (RAT.h) were implemented. However, as we saw, the implementation did affect the results generated by e.c.
Switches are the fundamental building block of computers, much like atoms are the fundamental building block of matter. You can think of transistors as acting like switches on a train track. Or, more appropriately, like valves on a water pipe. Switches control whether the flow of electricity (instead of water) is cut off. The speed of a computer is directly related to how fast the switches work.
power inputoutput
If the input switch is on (1), the output will be 0. If the input switch is off (0), the output will be 1. In general, this is how you can think about a system of transistors: there is an initial power source. Once that power is 'switched' away from the output line, the output will be 0 (regardless of the input switch).
Primitive gates are implemented with transistors. The primitive gates are AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, and NOR.
Here's how you can interpret the diagrams in the lecture notes:
NOT gate:
At the top of the diagram, power is applied to the wire (value =1). Y is the input: if its value is 1, the switch is activated. Like a train switch, you can think of the direction of power as being diverted from the main route. So, the power won't get to the output x: x will have the value 0. If y has the value 0 (off), the output x will have the value 1. Thus, this transistor switches the input value - 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. This is exactly what a NOT gate should do. The concept of NOT is really an abstraction of what this transistor is actually doing.
OR gate:
OR takes two values as input. Its result is true (1) if at least one of the inputs is 1. Or, equivalently, its output is false (0) only if both the inputs are 0. Three transistors are used for its implementation. Power is applied to the system at the top of the wire. If either x or y is 1, the output from that left wire will be 0 (the power will be 'switched' away from the central line, like a train switch or a water pipe.) Think of water flowing from the top to the bottom. If at any point that water is diverted away from the central pipe, water will not reach the bottom. The flow of power works the same way. In this system, power is also applied at the top of the wire on the right of the diagram. The output from the left wire serves as the input controlling the transistor on the right value. So, if the output value of the x-y wire is 1, the final result is 0. Otherwise, the final result is 1. Now, if either x or y is 1, the transistor on the right will have input value 0 and the final result will be 1 (power will reach the output line.) Try all the possible input values for x and y yourself, and you'll see that OR is correctly implemented.
AND gate:
This diagram is more complicated. Power is applied to the top of both the left and right wires. The x and y inputs control the switches on each of those wires. So, their values will be switched as inputs into the third wire. Power is applied to the top of this (horizontal) wire, too. (The power will enter at the left of the horizontal wire.) If the outputs of both the left and right wires is 0, the final result will be 1. Otherwise, power will not reach the final output, and its value will be 0. So, if either x or y is 0, the output of its corresponding wire will be 1. That value of 1 will activate a switch on the horizontal wire, causing the final output to be 0. This is the correct implementation of AND.
For practice, you can try implementing some of the other basic boolean functions, such as NOR and NAND.
Recall that we learned about boolean functions when we were looking at TOY commands.
The simplest gate (because it takes only one input) is the not gate (also called an 'inverter.') It simply reverses (or negates, or inverts) the input. If the input is 0, the output is 1. If the input is 1, the output is 0. The NOT gate is represented by a triangle with a circle at its rightmost tip.
In a complicated system, you can just draw the circle part (the bubble) on the wire.
Before we get any further, let me introduce the concept of a 'truth table.' It's important that you learn how to interpret truth tables and understand how to use them to describe boolean functions. A truth table is a table that shows all the possible combinations of input values. The size of the truth table will depend on the number of inputs. A function of one variable (like NOT) has two possible inputs: 0 and 1. So, it has two rows. A function of two variables will have 4 rows. A function of 3 variables will have 8 rows. In general, a function of n variables will have 2^n rows. Here's the truth table for NOT:
input | output -------------- 0 | 1 1 | 0The AND gate is represented by a half circle:
Its truth table is:
x y | output ------------ 0 0 | 0 0 1 | 0 1 0 | 0 1 1 | 1AND corresponds to the product of the input terms: (xy). Zero times anything is zero. Zero AND anything is zero. By adding an inversion bubble to the output of the AND gate, a NAND gate is formed. Its output is exactly the opposite of the output of an AND gate.
The OR gate is represented by a crescent:
Its truth table is:
x y | output ------------ 0 0 | 0 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 1OR corresponds to the sum of the input terms (if we consider 2 to be true: 1 + 1 -> true (1)). By adding an inversion bubble to the output of the OR gate, a NOR gate is formed. Its output is exactly the opposite of the output of an OR gate.
The XOR gate is an OR gate with an added curved line to the left of the crescent:
Its truth table is:
x y | output ------------ 0 0 | 0 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 0Recall that XOR is 'exclusive or.' It is true only if exactly one of the inputs is true. All of these gates: AND, NAND, OR, NOR, and XOR can take more than 2 inputs. An AND of n inputs is true only if all n inputs are true (1). OR is true if one of its inputs is true. etc.
A system of gates (connected together by wires) can be constructed to implement Boolean functions. (A Boolean function is just one in which all the inputs are boolean values (0,1), and the output is a boolean value.) Sum-of-products is a systematic method you can use create these gate systems, using only AND, OR, and NOT gates. Here's how it works:
First, you'll be given a description of the function you need to implement. It may be descriptive, like "implement the function of three variables which is true if an even number of inputs is true and false otherwise. Or, it may be given as an equation, like "m = x'yz + xy + z"
The first thing to do is construct the corresponding truth table. (This isn't entirely necessary, but it's good practice anyway.) To construct the truth table, you first need to list all the possible inputs. Then, for each row in the truth table, determine the corresponding output. For example, for the equation above, the truth table entry 101 will have output 1, (since the third input: z is true.) In general, if there are n inputs, then there will be 2^n truth table entries.
Next, for each row in the truth table with output equal to one, draw the corresponding AND gate. For each input in that truth table row with value 1, just draw a wire from that input to the AND gate. For each input in that truth table row with value 0, draw a wire from that input to a NOT gate and then another wire from the output of the NOT gate to the AND gate. (Look at the picture on slide 5 to see what I'm talking about.)
Finally, draw a wire from the output of each of the AND gates into an OR gate. The output of the OR gate is the output of the function. Trace through the gates for a few of the input combinations to convince yourself that this method produces the correct results.
Now, a twist: in the case in which more of the outputs (in the truth table) are ones instead of zeros, you don't want to have to draw that many AND gates. So, instead, you can draw an AND gate for each of the zero outputs (doing the same thing for the inputs), wire their outputs to the input of the OR gate, and then add a NOT gate at the end.
Notice that these gate circuits are not unique. It is often possible to simplify them and create equivalent systems with fewer gates. (For this course, you should not be concerned with minimizing the number of gates.)
These slides just demonstrate the power of Boolean functions. The representations of x and y (and z) are given at the top of each table. Then, beside each row a corresponding function is listed, if applicable.
Don't worry about these two slides too much. It's more important that you understand the overall concepts.
This slide shows the implementation of a decoder. Notice that for any combination of inputs (x,y,z), exactly one of the output lines will be true(1). The rest will be false (0). A decoder is a circuit that you'll often see drawn as a rectangle, with n input lines and 2^n output lines. The implemention is 'hidden' inside this 'black box.' Once you understand how it is implemented, you can work at a higher level of abstraction, and treat the decoder as a primitive circuit. Given any binary number, it produces a value of one on the corresponding output line. For example, given the input 110, the 6th output line will have the value 1. (Remember that counting will start at 0.)
This slide makes the fundamental leap from Boolean functions to arithmetic. We see how to implement an adder (addition) circuit using only AND, OR, and NOT gates.
It's difficult to read the circuitry of the adder in the course packet. Again, we have the idea of abstracting the low level implementation into a higher-level circuit. In this case, given three inputs, we output their sum (which is one digit) and a carry bit (if any). The carry bit is necessary in the case where more than 1 input has value equal to one.
The circuit for the sum part of the output is an odd parity circuit. An odd parity circuit is one which has output one if the number of inputs that are one is odd. The circuit for the carry output is a majority circuit. A majority circuit has output equal to one if the majority of the inputs have value one.
To add multiple digit numbers, you can use multiple adders. The x and y inputs of each adder will be two corresponding digits of the two numbers you are adding. The z input will be the carry from the previous adder. This is a slow way to add: you can't add any pair of numbers until you compute the carry from the previous two. Also, as mentioned in the slide, we need to ensure the correct timing. We shouldn't add any pair of digits until we have the correct result from the previous adder.