Department of Computer Science, Princeton University

COS 226: Data Structures and Algorithms, Spring 1998

R. Sedgewick

This course material has been prepared to supplement Algorithms in C by Robert Sedgewick. The schedule and some other information is specific to the spring 1998 offering of our algorithms course at Princeton, but much of the material may be useful to others taking and teaching similar courses.

  • Course Information
  • Programming Assignments and Problem Sets
  • Lecture Schedule and Notes
  • Errata list for Algorithms in C
  • Errata list for COS 226 course packet
  • Information about midterm
  • Important note: Please do not publish solutions to problem sets, exercises, and exams in a way that could compromise their utility as pedagogical tools. At Princeton, this is a violation of the basic rights, rules and responsibilities of members of the university community.

    Grade Robot

    To get your scores, enter your login: , then click .

    Due to a slight miscalculation, final exam grades were calculated out of a maximum of 135, not 130 or 125. This had the effect of giving the final exam slightly less weight than the advertised 22 per cent in the final grade. This difference did not affect anyone's letter grade.
  • Final stem plots:
     Stem plot for final exam 
     7 8876422111111100
     6 9999988887776666665544443333322222222110000
     5 999988877776654443311
     4 76532
    85 scores 62.8 average 63 median
     Stem plot for final grades 
     9 53321100
     8 999999998888877777666666555444444444333333222111111100
     7 999998876664443330
     6 50
     4 0
     3 1
     2 5
    85 scores 81.3 average 84 median
    The low-order digit in each grade appears in the plot, in the row specified by its high-order digits. For example, 7 people got 71 on the final exam.

  • All rights reserved. None of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission. Permission is granted to instructors who adopt Algorithms in C to use this supplemental material in conjunction with their course.

    Copyright (c) 1998, Robert Sedgewick

    Short history of credits: The index, course information and other .html files were created by Ed Felten in 1993-95, adapting the course materials written by R. Sedgewick in 1991. Lecture notes and most assignments were rewritten in 1996-1997 and are being further updated in 1998. Problems in exams and problem sets are adapted from many sources, but primarily the new edition of Algorithms in C that is in preparation.