Department of Computer Science, Princeton University

COS 226: Data Structures and Algorithms, Spring 1996

R. Sedgewick


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Date Chapter(s) Lecture Topic(s)
February 5 1-7 Introduction
78 Elementary sorts, Shellsort
129 Quicksort
1412 Mergesort, Analysis
1911 Priority queues
2110 Radix sorting
2114 Searching ADTs
2815 Balanced trees
March 416 Hashing
617, 18 Radix trees and tries
1119 String searching
13midterm exam
2520, 21 Pattern matching
2722 File compression
April 124, 25 Basic geometric algorithms
326, 27, 28 Geometric search
829, 30, 32 Basic graph algorithms
1031Spanning trees
1532Paths in graphs
1733, 34, 43 Network flow, matching, linear programming
2236, 41 Multiplication
2423 Cryptology
2942 Dynamic programming
May 145 NP-completeness
13review for final exam

Problem Sets

Problem sets are handed out in lecture each Wednesday, due the following Wednesday, except March 12. These are a very important part of the course and should be taken seriously. Not only do they contribute a substantial percentage to your grade, but also you can be sure that many of the questions will reappear on the midterm and final, but with different input data.

Programming Assignments

Programs are handed out in lecture on Wednesday and due for electronic submission eight days later (Thursday), with hardcopy submission at lecture the following Monday. These programs may be developed on the computer of your choice. It is your responsibility to describe how you have completed the assignment in the written submission that you hand in on Monday, not ours to glean this information from code that you submit electronically on Thursday.


At precepts, we return and discuss the program handed in the previous week, and give details and answer questions about the new assignment. Attendence at precepts is mandatory, and you should come prepared to participate in the discussion, not just ask questions.

Copyright (c) 1996, R. Sedgewick