COS Independent Work Seminar:
Deep Learning

Spring 2016

General Information:

Instructor: Jianxiong Xiao (office hours: Mondays 2:00-3:00PM, Room CS 409)
TA: Fisher Yu (office hours: Thursday 3:00-4:00PM, Room CS 413)
Meeting time and place: Mondays or Tuesdays 7:30-8:50PM, CS 402
Links: Description, Schedule, Resources, FAQ, Piazza


Deep Learning is the fastest growing area of Machine Learning. As highlighted in New York Times, Deep Learning is the core technique to enable the latest breakthroughs in Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data. It uses neural networks many layers deep and large datasets to teach computers how to solve perceptual problems, such as detecting recognizable concepts in data, translating or understanding natural languages, interpreting information from input data, and more. Deep learning is used in the research community and in industry to help solve many big data problems such as computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing. Practical examples include vehicle, pedestrian and landmark identification for driver assistance; image recognition; speech recognition; natural language processing; neural machine translation and cancer detection. Major high tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft, Intel, Yahoo, Baidu, Apple, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, NEC, Toyota, Huawei, all invest significantly in the area. Students in the seminar will focus on developing core components for deep learning algorithms, or applying deep learning algorithms, such as ConvNet and LSTM to a target application.


Date Topic
Feb 1 Information meeting for all IW students (Small Auditorium (COS 105), 4:30-5:30PM)
Feb 1 Meeting: Introduction
Feb 8/9 Meeting: Develop project plans
Feb 15/16 Meeting: Develop project plans
Feb 23 Written project proposals due
Feb 22/23 Meeting: Proposal talks
Feb 30/Mar 1 Meeting: Discussion and feedback
Mar 7/8 Meeting: Discussion and feedback
Mar 14/15 Spring break
Mar 21/22 Meeting: Demo Day 1
Mar 22 Checkpoint form due
Mar 28/29 Meeting with TA: Discussion and feedback
Apr 4/5 Meeting: Discussion and feedback
Apr 11/12 Meeting: Discussion and feedback
Apr 18/19 Meeting: Demo Day 2
Apr 18-22 Oral Presentations
Apr 29 Written final report due
May 5-6 Poster session for all IW students




Frequently Asked Questions: