COS 341, November 12, 1997Handout Number 16
Reducibility Proof
Problem A is said to be polynomial-time reducible to Problem
B if, for some fixed integer k,
the following is true. Given an input I of size n for
A, one can construct efficiently an input I' of size
for B such that the answer to I' is YES if and only if
the answer to I is YES.
In this course when you are asked to show that A is polynomial-time reducible to B, we do not require a proof with complete details. However, it should contain at least the following elements.
First, the construction of I' from I should be unambiguous, and it has to be convincing that the size of I' is at most a polynomial function of the size of I'. (In principle, the construction needs to be doable in polynomial time, but we will not ask you to give a proof.)
Second, you need to give a convincing argument that the answer to I' is YES if and only if the answer to I is YES.
As an example, we show that the Eulerian cycle
problem is polynomial-time reducible to
the Hamiltonian cycle problem. Let G=(V, E)
be a graph where |V|=n be the input
to the Eulerian cycle problem. The size of
G is the number of bits needed to
encode V and E, and thus at most .
We construct G' = (V',E') as an input
to the Hamiltonian cycle problem as follows.
For each , construct
three vertices
let V' be the set of all such vertices.
There will be two kinds of edges in E':
first, for each
, create
two edges
second, for each
, if there are
incident to i in G,
create all the
edges among
for these s e's. Note that
the size of G' is at most
Furthermore, the construction of G' can be
done efficiently (this last assertion you don't need to
justify rigorously for this course).
It remains to show that
Claim: G has an Eulerian cycle if and only if G' has a Hamiltonian cycle.
Let m = |E|.
Suppose G has an Eulerian cycle where
as its two
endpoints. Then the following is clearly a Hamiltonian
cycle in G' (just check that all vertices in
V' appear, and that all consecutive
vertices are connected by edges in E'):
This proves the claim in one direction.
Conversely, assume that G' has a Hamiltonian
cycle C in which the m=|E| vertices of the form
appear in the circular order
Note that, since each
has only two
edges in E', these two edges must be used
in the Hamiltonian cycle to enter and leave
. Since there are only 3m
vertices in V', it follows that the cycle C must be
of the form
where has
its two endpoints in G.
By definition of cycle, there must be
an edge in E' connecting the
two vertices
for each
implying that
But this
means that
is an Eulerian cycle in G.
This proves the other direction.