/*********************************************************************** * Name: * NetID: * Precept: * * Description: Reads the integer n from standard input, then reads * a list of n student records, where each record consists of four * fields, separated by whitespace: * - first name * - last name * - email address * - which section they're in * Then, prints a list of email address of students in sections 4 and 5. * * Compilation: javac-introcs Students.java * Execution: java-introcs Students < students.txt * * The data file, students.txt, looks like this: * 130 * Sarah Wang twang 7 * Austin Taylor actaylor 1 * David Rosner drosner 4 * Rebecca Allen rebeccaa 7 * Rajiv Ayyangar ayyangar 7 * Daniel Barrett drbarret 8 * Nic Byrd nbyrd 7 * Emily Capra ecapra 8 * Johnny Clore jclore 7 * ... * * * Your output should look like this: * % Section 4 * --------- * drosner * jcharles * jph * mlampert * ... * * Section 5 * --------- * giwank * agrozdan * ajh * akornell * ... (This is booksite Web Exercise 1.5.3.) ***********************************************************************/ public class Students { public static void main(String[] args) { // read the number of students int n = ______________________________ // declare and initialize four parallel arrays String[] first = new String[n]; ________ last = ____________________ String[] _______ = ____________________ int[] section = ____________________ // read the data from standard input for (_______________; ____________________; __________) { first[___] = StdIn.readString(); last[___] = _________________________ email[___] = _________________________ section[___] = _________________________ } // print email addresses of all students in section 4 StdOut.println("Section 4"); StdOut.println("---------"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (________________________________) { StdOut.println(_____________); } } StdOut.println(); // print email addresses of all students in section 5 StdOut.println("Section 5"); StdOut.println("---------"); for ( } }