COS 429 - Computer Vision
Fall 2016
Final Project
Proposals due Sunday, Dec. 18
Written reports due Tuesday, Jan. 17
No late reports allowed.
The final assignment for this semester is to do an in-depth project
implementing a nontrivial vision system. You will be expected to
design a complete pipeline, read up on the relevant literature,
implement the system, and evaluate it on real-world data. You will
work in small groups (2-4 people), and must deliver
- A short (2 paragraph) proposal and your team members due December 18.
Please submit one proposal per team in
plain-text, HTML, or PDF format to the Dropbox link
- A report on your system due Jan. 17. This should
include sections on previous work,
design and implementation, results, and a discussion of the strengths
and weaknesses of your system. The report should be in HTML or PDF format,
and we expect lots of pretty pictures! In addition, please submit
your code (or links to sites from which you downloaded pre-trained
models, etc.), and links to any datasets you used. If you captured
your own data, it is not necessary to submit a full dataset - just include
a few samples.
Please submit the report
Project ideas:
- Set up a webcam in a public space and perform tracking, counting, and/or
classification of people, cars, etc.
- Image mosaicing, including automatic image alignment and multiresolution
- Foliage/tourist removal from several photos of a building. An important
question to answer is whether you want to attempt 3D reconstruction as part
of the process, or whether you want to consider it as a purely 2D problem.
- Video textures - see the SIGGRAPH paper linked from the
textures web page.
- OCR or handwriting recongition.
Project ideas for those with graphics experience:
- Inserting computer-generated objects into a video sequence taken with a
moving camera. Use a calibration or structure from motion method to
recover the camera pose.
- Some variant of Facade (human-assisted architectural modeling
from a small number of photographs). See the the SIGGRAPH 96 paper
linked from the Facade
web page.
- Vision-based automatic image morphing (e.g., of faces). That is, you
use an optical flow or other correspondence method to generate
matches between images, then use a morphing algorithm to generate
intermediate frames.
- Image-based visual hull (shape from silhouettes) for moving scenes.
See the SIGGRAPH 2000 paper, linked from their
web page.
Last update
11-Jan-2017 10:59:21
smr at princeton edu