COS 597D, Fall 2013 
Questions on A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks

Due at 1:30pm, Monday September 16, 2013.
You may hand in a paper copy or email a file to me.
Keep a copy for your use during class discussion.

No credit for late submission.

1. In this paper, Codd immediately raises the issue of data independence.  In less than a page, discuss the issue of data independence as Codd interprets it.   Independence from what?   How were the database systems of his day failing to be independent?   Do these concerns translate to the present day?   Are there forms of independence that we should be addressing now that were not present circa 1970?

2. Codd's discussion of data inconsistency relies on a lot of technical details about the relational model,  which I do not care that you to understand at this point.   In 3 or fewer sentences, describe what you believe to be the high-level message regarding the relational model and data inconsistency.