COS-561, Fall 2012: Advanced Networking

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9/12: Initial webpage posted.

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COS 561 provides a research survey of network architecture---the definition and placement of the function across the end hosts, the network elements, and the people and systems that manage the network. The course covers both classic papers about networking and the Internet, as well as recent research results. The 2012 offering of this course places particular emphasis on the rise of datacenter networks and software-defined networking, including unique challenges (and opportunities) related to these settings and the new management capabilities they expose.

Prerequisite: COS 461 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. For an overview of the material in COS 461, see the slides from previous offerings of the course. The first two weeks of COS 561 will provide a brief overview of the material from COS 461, with emphasis on the end host, the data plane, and the control plane, in order to set the stage for the remainder of the course.


Last updated: Tue Oct 23 14:58:22 -0400 2012