Programming Assignment 2: Laplacian Meshes
Due on Friday, Oct 29 at 11:59PM
In this assignment you will implement a Laplacian mesh representation
and use it for several applications. The following is a list of
features that you may implement -- the features in bold face are
required, and the others are optional. In addition to implementing
these features, you should submit an image generated by your program
to the art contest. The winner will get extra credit and a note on
the course web page.
- Basic Laplacian mesh representation: Fill in the definition
and implementation for the R3LaplacianMesh class to make it store the
Laplacian matrix and the Laplacian coordinates for every vertex, as
well as the info that it already stores.
- Mesh reconstruction: Test your implementation of the
Laplacian mesh by reconstructing the original Cartesian coordinates
from the Laplacian coordinates (after anchoring the position of one
vertex). Demonstrate this feature by reading a mesh, computing the
Laplacian mesh, reconstructing a new mesh, and writing it to a new
file (e.g.,
lap -output_mesh -anchor 0 0 0 0
- Mesh deformation: Use the Laplacian mesh representation to
deform a mesh while maintaining local details. Your program should
read a mesh and a set of anchors (or specify anchors interactively)
and output a new mesh with vertices "anchored" at given positions.
lap -output_mesh -anchor 0 0 0 0 -anchor 1 10 0 0
- Parameterization: Use the Laplacian mesh representation to
produce a 2D parameterization for mesh vertices. Remove two neighboring
triangles from a mesh. Set the coordinates for the 4 vertices to be
the corners of a unit square (2D). Now map the remaining vertices to
the interior of the square by setting the Laplacian to zero and
solving for x and y coordinates of the remaining vertices.
- Membrane surface:. Use the Laplacian mesh representation to
output a new mesh with vertices "anchored" at given positions and the
other vertices interpolating them with soap-bubble-like membrane (Laplacian = 0).
- Surface function interpolation: Use the Laplacian to interpolate
values of a funciton specified at a subset of vertices to estimate
values at all vertices. Input a mesh and a function
(a file with one value per vertex, where most of the values are 0,
indicating that the value is to be interpolated) and outputs a function
with values for all vertices.
- Mean curvature: Use the Laplacian mesh representation to
estimate the mean curvature at every vertex. You should provide a
feature to your batch program that outputs the mean curvatures to a
with one value per vertex on its own
line. Then you can use lap -input_function curvature.txt
to render those values as colors on the mesh (hit 'F' to toggle display of
the function).
- Circular region of interest: Provide a different interface to your mesh
deformation feature that allows the user to select a vertex V and a radius R
for the region of interest. Your program should anchor all vertices
beyond geodesic distance R from V, allow the user to move the position of V,
and then recompute the Cartesian coordinates for all other vertices inside the
region of interest. To implement this feature, you will need to implement
an approximate one-to-many geodesic distance algorithm based on Dijkstra's
algorithm to find vertices within the region of interest.
- Texture mapping: Use the parameterization feature described
above to produce texture coordinates for each vertex. Then, render an image
of the mesh with a checkerboard texture applied according to those texture
- Rotation of coordinate frames: Augment your mesh
deformation code to perform better for large rotations. To do this,
apply the mesh deformation as usual, estimate a local coordinate frame
for every vertex, rotate the Laplacian coordinates to the new local
coordinate frame, and then recompute the Cartesian coordinates from
the rotated Laplacian coordinates (as in section 4.3 of [sorkine05]).
- Eigenanalysis of the Laplacian: Compute eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the symmetric Laplacian matrix. Output the
eigenvectors to a set of files and visualize them.
To get started, you can use the code in ( This C++ code provides
the basic infrastructre for a Laplacian mesh class
(R3LaplacianMesh.cpp) that can read and write files in off, ply, and
obj formats. It also provides a simple program (lap) for editing meshes
and viewing properties on meshes. You will probably need to
augment this program to include command line arguments of your own to
turn on and off specific features and/or provide parameters for
specific applications.
What to Submit
You should submit one zip file named
(i.e. with the following
internal directory structure:
(your writeup, see the description below)
(a unix Makefile useful for making output files from input files)
(all the input data for the examples in your writeup)
(all the output images for the examples in your writeup)
(all images submitted for the art contest)
(the complete source code)
should be an HTML document demonstrating
the effects of the features you have implemented. There should be one
"section" per feature. with a brief description of what you
implemented and some images showing your results. For all features,
it is sufficient to include images of your input and output -- you do
not have to submit the mesh files. Wherever possible, you should show
results for at least two sets of inputs.
The src
directory should have all code required to
compile and link your program (including the files provided with the
assignment), along with a Visual Studio Solution file and a Makefile
to rebuild the code.
Please submit images in JPEG format to save space. Also, to
further save space, please remove binaries and backup files from the
src directory (i.e., run make distclean
(under Mac OS)
and execute "Clean Solution" on the "Build menu" in MS Visual Studio)
before submitting.
Useful resources