COS597A: Truth in Data
(Advanced topics in graphical models)
David Blei (Professor)
419 CS Building
Tuesdays 1:30PM-4:20PM, Computer Science Room 401
Course description (PDF)
- Prior and Posterior Predictive Checking
- Model Selection (I)
- Posterior Predictive Checking
- Model Selection (II)
- Claeskens and Hjort, 2008. (Ch. 2 AIC and Ch. 3 BIC) (on e-reserves)
- Causality (I)
- Analyzing and Interpreting Roll Call Data
- David Freedman
- Gelman and Hill (2008) on Causality (e-reserves)
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 23
- Model Building (Santa Cruz-style)
- Reference priors
- Bernardo and Smith (1992) pp 598-620.