Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 436
Human-Computer Interface Technology

Perry Cook

Fall 2008

What's New?

January, 2009

Click Here for Final Project Reports and Demos

Click Here for Finals Week(s) Schedule
Click Here For Schedule up to MidTerm
Click Here For Schedule after MidTerm
Click Here For Schedule after Thanksgiving Break

NEW!! HCI Fall 2008 "Hall of Pretty Cool, Maybe"

Localized Haptics Coming to Touch Screens?

Not Dancing with, but Sonifying the Stars

Piezos + Dancing Save the Planet

No Touch Camera-based "Multi Touch"

NEW!! HCI Fall 2008 "Hall of Bizarre"

MacBook Wheel Eliminates Keyboard!

Ultra Human-Toilet Interface

Mind-Controlled Gaming

Immersive Cocoon

Course Summary

Design and interfacing of computer input and output systems.
Inputs: Standard (mouse, keyboard, joystick, etc.) and
              new (head trackers, music controllers, gloves, etc.) devices.
Signal processing, feature extraction, and data mapping schemes.
Outputs: Graphics, haptics, music, and 3-D sound.
This year we will emphasize consumer devices like the Wii!
Hands-on laboratories and independent projects.
Prerequisites COS 217 or ELE 318.

Administrative Information

Lectures: MW 1330-1450, Room: CS 302

Professor: Perry Cook - 408 CS Building - 258-4951

Undergraduate Coordinator: Donna O'Leary - 410 CS Building - 258-1746

Teaching Assistant: Sonya Nikolova

Homework Assignments

There will be some (fun) assignments.
These will are very important in that they
help set the tone of the whole course.
Therefore, all of the assignments must be completed.
Assignments are individual activities.

There will be questions to be answered as part of the labs.
These will go into the overall lab report grades.
Labs are group activities.


You will be able find the (take home) examinations via links in the Schedules
Exams are individual activities

Assignments, Exams, and Grading

The grading in this course will be based on the evaluation of the following:

Lateness Policy: 10% (of original point value) per day until NO CREDIT AFTER 7 DAYS

Final Project

The goal of this course is for the students, working in teams, to propose a new human computer interface, or an improvement to an existing interface, to solve a particular problem. Inter-Disciplinary teams are encouraged. Applications include interfaces for persons with disabilities, musical or other artistic controllers/systems, sports monitors and improved interfaces, interfaces for virtual environments, and new means for identifying and authenticating individual computer system users. It is expected that the projects will lead to a completed (though rough in most cases) prototype. Testing (not just for functionality, but for "betterness" by some metric) of the device/system should be conducted and included in the report.

Final written reports will be due on Dean's Date, January 13, 2009,
and a demonstration of the system must be completed by
Thursday, January 15, 2009 (you are encouraged to do your
earlier, essentially any time your system works to your


Your main references will be the course notes and other web pages linked from the schedule.
There will also be some papers and other materials handed out in class.
Extra handout copies will be left in the classroom, in case of a missed lecture (not recommended).
Other references you might find useful for your project or other research:

Schedule of Lectures, Labs, Assignments