![]() Princeton University
Computer Science 561
Jennifer Rexford Office: 306 CS Building Phone: 258-5182 Office Hours: by appointment Email: jrex@cs.princeton.edu |
Pai Office: 322 CS Building Phone: 258-2086 Office Hours: TTh 3:00-4:00, or by appt Email: vivek@cs.princeton.edu |
Larry Peterson Office: 219 CS Building Phone: 258-6077 Office Hours: by appointment Email: llp@cs.princeton.edu |
Graduate Coordinator: Melissa Lawson
Participation: | 15% |
Preparation: | 35% |
Project: | 50% |
14 |
llp |
#1 |
Introduction, packet-switching,
best effort |
review COS 461 |
19 |
jrex |
#2 |
Addressing |
read/review Cerf74 and watch
TuringLecture05 using RealPlayer |
21 |
jrex |
#3 |
Routers |
read/review Clark88 and read
InternetHistory |
26 |
jrex |
#4 |
Intradomain Routing |
read/review both Saltzer81 and
Clark90 |
28 |
llp |
#5 |
Congestion Control | read/review both Jacobson88 and
Brakmo95; read
Floyd93 |
03 |
jrex |
#6 |
Web |
read/review both Danzig92 and http-tcp01.pdf |
03 |
llp |
#7 |
P2P |
read/review Rhea05 and read Rowstron01 |
10 |
llp |
#8 |
Evaluation on PlanetLab and VINI |
read/review Peterson06 and Bavier06; visit www.planet-lab.org |
12 |
vivek |
#9 |
Evaluation via simulation and emulation |
17 |
llp |
#10 |
Routing Overlays |
read/review Andersen01 and Zhang04 |
19 |
jrex |
#11 |
Measurement |
read/review Floyd01 and Grossglauser05; read Kleinrock74 |
24 |
jrex |
#12 |
Routing Measurement |
read/review Paxson97 and Labovitz98; read Paxson04 |
26 |
jrex |
#13 |
BGP: Convergence |
read/review Labovitz00 and Mao02 |
31 |
none |
fall break |
02 |
none |
fall break |
07 |
jrex |
#14 |
BGP: Routing Policy |
read/review Caesar05 and Gao01; read Nordstrom04 |
9 |
vivek |
#15 |
read/review Jung02 and Mockapetris88 |
14 |
vivek |
#16 |
read/review Park04 and Ramasubramaniam04 |
16 |
vivek |
#17 |
read/review Rama05 and Pappas04 |
21 |
jrex |
#18 |
BGP: New Architectures |
read/review Feamster04, Subramanian04, and Wendlandt06 |
23 |
none |
Thanksgiving holiday |
28 |
jrex |
#19 |
Overlay/underlay interaction |
read/review Qiu03 and Nakao03 |
30 |
jrex |
#20 |
Active Networks |
read/review Tennenhouse96 and Smith04 |
05 |
vivek |
#21 |
read/review Wang04 and Freedman04 |
07 |
vivek |
#22 |
12 |
jrex |
#23 |
Future Research Directions |
read/review Clark05 and Fence01; optionally read Handley06 |
14 |
all |
#24 |
Future Research Directions |
08 |
reading period begins |
09 |
project presentations |
11 |
project presentations |
16 |
project presentations |
16 |
Dean's date - projects due |