COS 429 - Computer Vision
Fall 2005
Assignment 1
Due Thursday, Oct. 6
0. Getting familiar with Matlab
Matlab is available on several OIT machines
(look here for
details). You should be able run it remotely from any Unix workstation.
Alternatively, you might be able to install it on a campus matchine -
look here for
Note that you may need to mount the samba share as
"princeton\username" (e.g. "princeton\bjbrown").
A matlab mode for emacs is available here.
Finally, Linux and Mac users may find the -nodekstop option useful.
Read through any or all of the following for a basic introduction to Matlab
Work through the following tasks using an image of your choice. You do not
need to submit any results, but make sure you are comfortable doing the
- Read an image into a variable.
Hint #1: "help imread"
Hint #2: Use single quotes around the filename.
Hint #3: Ending a command with a semicolon supresses printing the result.
- Display the image.
Hint: "help image"
- Adjust the axes so that the aspect ratio is 1:1 (i.e., "square pixels").
Hint: "help axis"
- Convert the image to grayscale.
Hint: "help rgb2gray"
Note: if your version of Matlab doesn't have the
rgb2gray function, download rgb2gray.m.
Place this in your working directory, and it should be auto-loaded by Matlab.
- Convert the grayscale image to floating point.
Hint: "help double"
- Display the floating-point image, using a grayscale colormap.
Hint #1: "colormap(gray)"
Hint #2: "help imagesc"
- Plot the intensities along one scanline of the image.
Hint #1: Extracting a part of a matrix is done by
matrix2 = matrix1(row_min:row_max,col_min:col_max);
Indices in Matlab are 1-based
(not 0-based as in C).
row_max or col_max may be "end" to
indicate the last element.
Just a ":" is equivalent to "1:end".
Hint #2: "help plot"
- Store the width and height of the image in variables "width" and "height".
Hint #1: "help size"
Hint #2: Functions in Matlab may return multiple values. You can
get at the values using the notation
[var1, var2] = func(x)
Hint #3: In Matlab, the number of rows is the first dimension and
the number of columns is the second.
- Write a pair of nested "for" loops to set a grid of every 10th pixel
horizontally and every 20th pixel vertically to 0.
Hint #1: "help for"
Hint #2: "start:increment:stop"
- Create a function "maxrow" that takes a matrix and a row index and returns
the brightest pixel in the given row. Store the function in a file called
"maxrow.m" so that Matlab loads it automatically when you call the function.
Hint #1: "help function"
Hint #2: Matlab has many built-in functions that operate
on entire vectors or matrices. There might be one to compute the
- Write the modified image back to a new file.
Hint #1: "help uint8" to convert the image back to integer
Hint #2: "help imwrite"
If you get stuck on any of these, feel free to ask for help,
either by emailing
or by asking a colleague.
1. Canny edge detector (65%)
Implement the Canny edge detection algorithm, as described in class and in
Section 4.2 of Trucco and Verri.
This consists of three phases:
- Filtered gradient:
- Load an image
- Find the x and y components of the gradient Fx and Fy of the image
smoothed with a Gaussian.
- Compute the edge strength F (the magnitude of the gradient) and
edge orientation D = arctan(Fy/Fx) at each pixel.
Hint #1:
Recall that a 2D Gaussian is separable, and that finding the derivative
of a function convolved with a Gaussian is the same as convolving with
the derivative of a Gaussian.
Hint #2: "help conv2", especially the syntax for
independently convolving rows and columns
- Nonmaximum suppression:
Create a "thinned edge image" I(x,y) as follows:
- For each pixel find the direction D* in (0, 45, 90, 135) that is
closest to the orientation D at that pixel.
- If the edge strength F(x,y) is smaller than at least one of
its neighbors along D*, set I(x,y) = 0, else set I(x,y) = F(x,y).
- Hysteresis thresholding:
Repeatedly do the following:
- Locate the next unvisited pixel (x,y) such that I(x,y) > T_h.
- Starting from (x,y), follow the chain of connected local maxima,
in both directions, as long as I(x,y) > T_l.
- Mark each pixel as it is visited.
Test your alogrithm on images of your choosing, experimenting with
different values of the parameters sigma (the width of the Gaussian used
for smoothing), T_h (the "high" threshold), and T_l (the "low" threshold).
Also run your algorithm on the following images:
- mandrill.jpg: Try different parameter
- csbldg.jpg: Try to find values that will find
just the outline of the building, and others that will find edges between
individual bricks.
2. Corner detector (35%)
Implement the variance-based corner detection algorithm, as described in
class and in Section 4.3 of Trucco and Verri. This consists of three
- Filtered gradient: Same as above for the Canny edge detector.
- Finding corners:
- Compute the covariance matrix C over a neighborhood around
each point.
- Compute the smaller eigenvalue of C.
Hint: "help eig"
- Save all points at which the smaller eigenvalue l2 is
greater than a threshold into a list L.
- Nonmaximum suppresion:
- Sort L in decreasing order of l2.
Hint: "help sortrows"
- For each point p, remove all points in the neighborhood of
p that occur lower in L.
Test your algorithm on the building image above, and on
checker.jpg. (This is a picture of a
target used for camera calibration. Note the barrel distortion in this
lens.) Explore the effects of changing sigma (the width of the Gaussian),
the size of the neighborhood, and the threshold.
3. Extra credit
Experiment with heuristics for automatically determining the thresholds to
be used for each image. Some of these are mentioned in Trucco and Verri,
but feel free to be creative and come up with your own.
This assignment is due Thursday, October 6, 2005 at 11:59 PM.
Please see the general
notes on submitting your assignments, as well as the
late policy and the
collaboration policy.
Please submit:
- Your edge and corner detection code (as one or more .m files).
- For each test image, images showing the smoothed horizontal and
vertical gradient, the gradient magnitude, and the gradient magnitude
after nonmaximum suppression.
- The results of your edge and corner detectors on the provided sample
images (using the best parameters you were able to find).
- A README or README.html file containing a description of your experiments
with different parameters, and any relevant implementation notes.
Note that programming in Matlab is not an excuse to write unreadable code.
You are expected to use good programming style, including meaningful variable
names, a comment or three describing what the code is doing, etc. Also, all
images you submit should have been saved with the "imwrite" function - do
not submit screen captures of the image window.
Last update
29-Dec-2010 12:00:22
smr at princeton edu