Computer Science 217
Introduction to Programming Systems
Andrew W. Appel |
Fall 2002 |
General Information |
Schedule |
Assignments |
Announcements |
Course Summary
The purpose of this course is to provide the fundamental background necessary
to understand, design and implement the components of programming systems.
Examples of such components include text editors, assemblers, compilers,
loaders, interpreters, and portions of operating systems. The course is
divided into three major parts, machine organization and assembly language
programming, program design and development, and software tools.
Prerequisite: COS 126.
Administrative Information
Lectures: TTh 10:00-10:50, Room: 105 C.S. Bldg
- TTh 1:30 in Friend 112 (Robert Dondero)
- WF 10:00 in C.S. 105 (Kedar Swadi)
- WF 1:30 in Friend 112 (Robert Dondero)
Andrew Appel -
409 CS Building - 609-258-4627
Robert Dondero
- 206 CS Building
- 609-258-2211
- rdondero@cs
- Office Hours: T, W, Th, F: 2:30-3:30
Kedar Swadi
- 416 CS Building
- 609-258-6304
- kswadi@cs Office Hours: W, F: 11:00am-12.00pm
Textbooks and other reading
- Required textbooks
- C Programming: A Modern Approach. K. N. King, Norton & Co. 1996.
- SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C (2nd ed.). Richard P. Paul, Prentice Hall 2000.
- Recommended textbooks
- COS 217 Course Packet (copies of lecture slides only), available at
Pequod Copy.
- The Practice of Programming., Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, Addison-Wesley 1999.
- Programming with GNU Software. Michael K. Loukides & Andrew Oram, O'Reilly 1997.
- C: A Reference Manual (any recent edition). Samuel P. Harbison & Guy L. Steele, Prentice-Hall 1994.
- The Unix Programming Environment., Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, Prentice-Hall 1992.
- Other textbooks
- The C Programming Language (second edition). Brian W.Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice-Hall 1988.
- C Interfaces and Implementations. David R. Hanson, Addison-Wesley 1996.
Academic Regulations
The Policies regarding
collaboration and plagiarism are similar to those in COS 126.
Please read them.