Princeton University
Computer Science 495
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Special Topics in Computer Science: Visual and Audio Design for Large-Scale Computer Displays [Ver. 2.07] Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
This interdisciplinary course will explore the social and cognitive implications of designing images and sound for new display technologies featuring large-scale images. Course work will include creating individual and team projects using Princeton University's experimental large-scale display wall developed in the Computer Science Department.
Within the next decade, giant computer screens will be everywhere. Princeton University has a prototype giant computer screen operating now, and its potential uses will the subject of this hands-on design class being taught by Academy Award winning IMAX filmmaker Ben Shedd.
We invite students from Computer Science, Visual Arts, Music, Architecture, Biology, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, Teacher Preparation, Public Policy, and the General Student Body to collaborate on designing giant-screen applications and visualizations. We are looking for designers, programmers, artists, researchers, and imaginative thinkers with projects, concepts, energy, and big ideas. Seniors and Graduate students with on-going projects which could utilize a large-size display are encouraged to consider this class. Enrollment is limited to 25 Students. Admission by permission of Instructor.
Course Instructor: Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer Ben Shedd is
director/producer/designer/writer of giant screen IMAX®
films and Public Television programs. He received the 1978 Academy Award®
Oscar® for Best Documentary Short Film and shares
a 1974 Peabody Award for the PBS NOVA® series.
He has taught at the University of Southern California School of Cinema,
the Art Center College of Design, The California Institute of the Arts,
and the University of New Mexico School of Fine Arts. His primary research
is developing a visual design aesthetic for production of large-scale moving
image media.
Visiting Research Fellow and Lecturer: Ben Shedd, Office 212 CS Building, 258-1754, benshedd@cs.princeton.edu
TA: Wagner Correa wtcorrea@cs.princeton.edu Zhifeng Chen zhifengc@cs.princeton.edu
Updated: 9/15/00