to POPL 2005
POPL is the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages.
POPL 2005 Invited Speakers
Pat Hanrahan
(Stanford University): How should we program graphics hardware?
- Rob Pike
(Google): Interpreting the Data
Peter Selinger
(University of Ottawa):
Programming Languages for Quantum Computing
POPL 2005 Important Dates
- Hotel reservation deadline: December 21, 2004
- Looking for a roommate? Please visit our
- Reduced fees deadline: December 30, 2004 (11:59 PM, EST USA) -
This is also the last day to register in advance.
Register here.
- Main conference: January 12-14, 2005.
- Most Influential POPL Paper Award for POPL 1994: at the
conference dinner on
January 13, 2005.

The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a
forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important
innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation,
implementation and verification of programming languages,
programming systems, and programming abstractions. Both
experimental and theoretical papers on principles and
innovations are welcome, ranging from formal frameworks to
reports on practical experiences.
Submissions on a diversity of topics are sought, particularly
ones that identify new research directions. POPL 2005 is not
limited to topics discussed in previous symposia. Authors
concerned about the appropriateness of a topic may communicate
by electronic mail with the program chair prior to submission.

The conference will be held at the
Hyatt Regency
in Long Beach, California, right next to the marina, with a view of
Queen Mary, the ocean liner which now
serves as a historic attraction. More information about the conference
venue can be found here.

Program Chair:
Martín Abadi
University of California, Santa
Computer Science Department
Cruz, CA 95064
General Chair:
Jens Palsberg
University of California, Los
Computer Science Dept, 4531K
Boelter Hall,
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-6320
Fax: 310-794-5057
Program Committee:
Martín Abadi, UC Santa Cruz (chair)
Rastislav Bodik, UC Berkeley
Perry Cheng, IBM (T.J. Watson Research Center)
William Cook, UT Austin
Michael Ernst, MIT
Giorgio Ghelli, Università di Pisa
Yossi Gil, Technion
Ralf Hinze, Universität Bonn
Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Alan Jeffrey, DePaul University
Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Research (Cambridge)
Naoki Kobayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Julia Lawall, University of Copenhagen
Andrew Myers, Cornell University
Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh
François Pottier, INRIA (Rocquencourt)
Sriram Rajamani, Microsoft Research (Redmond)
John Reppy, University of Chicago
Zhong Shao, Yale University
Henny Sipma, Stanford University |
Microsoft Research
David Walker,
Princeton Unversity

Suggestions or comments? Please contact David Walker (dpw at cs.princeton.edu).