to POPL 2004
POPL is the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages.
POPL 2004 Critical Information

The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages is a forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and
important innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation,
implementation and verification of programming languages, programming
systems, and programming abstractions. Both practical and theoretical papers
on principles and innovations are welcome, ranging from formal frameworks to
reports on experiences with their use.
Submissions on a diversity of topics are sought, particularly ones that
identify new research directions. POPL 2004 is not limited to topics
discussed in previous symposia or to formal approaches. In particular,
papers integrating new principles into widely used systems are encouraged.
Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic may communicate by
electronic mail with the program chair prior to submission. The official
call for papers is available
here (the deadline
has passed).

This year the conference will be held in Venice, Italy, one of the most
beautiful and unique cities in Europe. Information about the conference
location and information about traveling to and from Venice is
located here. For
tourist information, please see
Our accommodations page has information about hotels
and rates for conference attendees. The deadline for reserving hotels
through the conference is November 30, 2003. If you wish to
share a room with another conference attendee, please contact KeyCongress,
the business coordinating hotel accommodations for the conference, directly
(contact information may be found on the
accommodations page).
In addition, if you are searching for low-cost accommodations you may
find a number of useful possibilities
here, including links
to low-cost hostels and hotels in downtown Venice.

Program Chair
Xavier Leroy
INRIA Rocquencourt
Domaine de Voluceau, B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay, France
Email: xavier.leroy@inria.fr
Fax: + 33 - 1 - 39 63 51 93
Phone: + 33 - 1 - 39 63 55 61
General Chair:
Neil D. Jones
DIKU (Computer Science Department)
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 1
DK-2100 Copenhagen East, Denmark
Fax: + 45 - 35321401
Phone: +45 - 35321410
Local Arrangements: |
Agostino Cortesi
Dipartimento di informatica
Universita' ca' foscari
Via Torino 155
30170 Venezia
E-mail cortesi@dsi.unive.it
Phone: 0039 041 234.8450
Fax: 0039 041 234.8419
Program Committee:
Martín Abadi,
University of California at Santa Cruz
Zena Ariola, University of
David F. Bacon, IBM
T.J Watson Research Center
Thomas Ball, Microsoft
Maurizio Gabbrielli, University
of Bologna
Philippa Gardner, Imperial College
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon
Igarashi, Kyoto University
John Launchbury, Galois Connection &
Oregon Graduate Institute
Xavier Leroy, INRIA
Mooly Sagiv, Tel Aviv
Michael Schwartzbach, BRICS,
University of Aarhus
Peter Sewell, University of
Mary Lou Soffa, University of
Microsoft Research
David Walker,
Princeton Unversity

- Fourth International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and
Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'04)
- Dates: 11-13 January 2004
- Program Chairs: Giorgio Levi, Bernhard Steffen
- Keynote address: David Harel, 13 January (4-5 PM). All
POPL attendees are invited to attend this talk.
- Invited Speakers:
- Dawson Engler
- Joshua Guttman
- Mooly Sagiv
- Semantics, Program Analysis, and
Computing Environments for memory management (SPACE
- Date: Jan 12, 2004
- General Chairs: Fritz Henglein, Peter O'Hearn
- Program Chairs: Richard Jones, Greg Morrisett
- Invited Speakers:
- Programming Language Technologies for XML (PLAN-X
- Date: Jan 13, 2004
- Program Chair: Michael I. Schwartzbach
- General Chair: Erik Meijer
- Invited Speaker: TBA
- Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL)
- Date: Jan 17, 2004
- Program Chair: Sophia Drossopolou
- General Chair: Benjamin C. Pierce
- Invited Speaker:
- Martin Odersky
- Alan Schmitt
- Fourth Continuation Workshop (CW
- Date: Jan 17, 2004
- Program Chair: Hayo Thielecke
- Invited Speakers:
- Chris Barker
- Olivier Danvy

Suggestions or comments? Please contact David Walker (dpw at cs.princeton.edu).