This article appeared in;login:I am grateful to USENIX for permission to post the article here as well. |
For the past 6 or 7 years, I have been teaching a course called "Advanced Programming Techniques" [course] to (mostly) sophomore and junior computer science majors. The course covers an eclectic mix of languages, tools, and techniques, with regular coding assignments and culminating in group projects.
Dijkstra famously remarked that "testing can be used to show the presence of bugs but never to show their absence." Nevertheless, programmers who think about testing are more likely to write correct code in the first place. Thus I try to encourage the students to do intensive testing of their code, both in 1-week assignments in the first half of the semester and as part of their 8-week projects.
My personal interest in testing comes from maintaining a widely-used version of Awk for the past 25 years. In an attempt to keep the program working, and to maintain my sanity as bugs are fixed and the language slowly evolves, I have created somewhat over 1000 tests, which can be run automatically by a single command. Whenever I make a change or fix a bug, the tests are run. Over the years this has caught most careless mistakes -- once fixed, things tend to stay fixed and new code rarely breaks old code.
The approach is a good way to think about testing small programs, and many of the techniques scale up to larger programs. Furthermore, the topic is good for teaching about other aspects of programming, like tools, specialized languages, scripting, performance, portability, standards, documentation -- you name it, it's there somewhere. So I find myself using this material in class in a variety of ways, I think to the benefit of the students. And when I describe it to friends who work in the real world, they nod approvingly, since they want to hire people who can write programs that work and who understand something of how to produce software that others will use.
This report from the trenches focuses mainly on testing, with some digressions on topics that have led to useful class lessons. I am ignoring other important issues, like formal methods for both writing correct programs and for validating them after the fact. These are often of great value, but I am reminded of Don Knuth's apposite comment, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and I created Awk [awkbook] in 1977; around 1981 I became the de facto owner and maintainer of the source code, a position that I still hold. The language is so small and simple that it remains a widely used tool for data manipulation and analysis and for basic scripting, though there are now many other scripting languages to choose from. There are multiple implementations, of which GNU's Gawk is the most widely used, and there is a POSIX standard.
The language itself is small, and our implementation [source] reflects that. The first version was about 3000 lines of C, Yacc and Lex; today, it is about 6200 lines of C and Yacc, Lex having been dropped for reasons to be discussed later. The code is highly portable; it compiles without ifdefs and without change on most Unix and Linux systems and on Windows and Mac OS X. The language itself is stable; although there is always pressure to add features, the purveyors of various implementations have taken a hard line against most expansion. This limits the scope of Awk's application but simplifies life for everyone.
Because both language and implementation are small, the program is self-contained, and there are multiple implementations, Awk is a good target for thorough testing.
This section describes general classes of test cases. In the early days, we collected and invented test cases in an ad hoc way, but gradually became more systematic. Nevertheless, there is definitely a random flavor to many of the tests. In total, there are nearly 7000 lines of tests, in more than 350 files -- there are more lines of tests than of source code. This emphasis on testing is typical of software with stringent reliability requirements, which might well have ten times as much test as code, but it is way beyond what one encounters in a class. Merely citing the scale of testing wakes up a class; it may help convince them that I am serious when I ask them to include tests with their assignments.
One major test category probes language features in isolation: numeric and string expressions, field splitting, input and output, built-in variables and functions, control flow constructs, and so on. There are also a lot of representative small programs, such as the very short programs in the first two chapters of the Awk book. For example, the first test,
{ print }prints each input line and thus copies input to output.
Awk was originally meant for programs like this, only a line or two long, often composed at the commandline prompt. We were surprised when people began creating larger programs, since some aspects of the implementation didn't scale, and large Awk programs are prone to bugs. But bigger complete programs like the chem preprocessor [chem] make it possible to test features working together rather than in isolation, so there are a number of tests of this kind.
Some aspects of Awk are themselves almost complete languages, for instance regular expressions, substitution with sub and gsub, and expression evaluation. These can be tested by language-based approaches, as we will see below.
There are about twenty tests that exercise the most fundamental Awk actions: input, field splitting, loops, regular expressions, etc., on large inputs. The run times for old and new versions of the program are compared; although real performance tuning is notoriously difficult, this provides a rough check that no performance bug is inadvertently introduced.
Each time a bug is found, a new set of tests is created. These are tests that should have been present; if they had been, they would have exposed the bug. In general such tests are small, since they are derived from the smallest programs that triggered the bug.
New tests are also added for new features or behaviors. Awk does not change much, but features are added or revised occasionally. Each of these is accompanied by a set of tests that attempt to verify that the feature works properly. For example, the ability to set variables on the commandline was added and then refined as part of the POSIX standardization process; there are now about 20 tests that exercise this single feature.
One of the most fruitful places to look for errors is at "boundary conditions". Instances include creating fields past the last one on an input line, trying to set nominally read-only variables like NR or NF, and so on. There is also a group of stress tests: very large strings, very long lines, huge numbers of fields and the like are all places where implementations might break. In theory, there are no fixed size limits on anything of significance, so such tests attempt to verify proper behavior when operating outside normal ranges.
One useful technique is to move the boundaries closer, by setting internal program limits to small values. For example, the initial size of the hash table for associative arrays is one element; in this way all arrays are forced to grow multiple times, thus exercising that part of the code. This same approach is used for all growable structures, and it has been helpful in finding problems; indeed, it just recently exposed a memory allocation failure on Linux that does not appear on Solaris.
One productive boundary condition test involved trying all Awk "programs" consisting of a single ASCII character, such as
awk @ (illegal) single-character programSome of these are legal (letter, digit, comment, semicolon) and possibly even meaningful (non-zero digit), but most are not. This exercise uncovered two bugs in the lexical analyzer, a story to which we will return later.
Every commandline option is tested and there are also tests that provoke each error message except for those that "can't happen".
I have tried to create enough coverage tests that every statement of the program will be executed at least once. (Coverage is measured with gcov, which works with gcc.) This ideal is hard to achieve; the current set of tests leave about 240 lines uncovered, although about half of those are impossible conditions or fatal error messages that report on running out of memory.
I found one bug with coverage measurements while preparing this paper -- the non-standard and undocumented option -safe that prevents Awk from writing files and running processes was only partly implemented.
For all tests, the basic organization is to generate the correct answer somehow -- from some other version of Awk, by some other program, by copying it from some data source -- then run the new version of Awk to produce its version of the answer, and then compare them. If the answers differ, an error is reported. So each of the examples like {print} above is in a separate file and is tested by a shell loop like this:
for i do echo "$i:" awk -f $i >foo1 # old awk a.out -f $i >foo2 # new awk if cmp -s foo1 foo2 then true else echo "BAD: test $i failed" fi doneIf all goes well, this prints just the filenames. If something goes wrong, however, there will be lines with the name of the offending file and the string BAD that can be grepped for. There is even a bell character in the actual implementation so errors also make a noise. If some careless change breaks everything (not unheard of), running the tests causes continuous beeping.
Boundary-condition data is another category; this includes null inputs, empty files, empty fields, files without newlines at the end or anywhere, files with CRLF or CR only, etc.
High volume input -- big files, big strings, huge fields, huge numbers of fields -- all stress a program. Generating such inputs by a program is easiest, but sometimes they are better generated internally, as in this example that creates million-character strings in an attempt to break sprintf:
echo 4000004 >foo1 awk ' BEGIN { x1 = sprintf("%1000000s\n", "hello") x2 = sprintf("%-1000000s\n", "world") x3 = sprintf("%1000000.1000000s\n", "goodbye") x4 = sprintf("%-1000000.1000000s\n", "everyone") print length(x1 x2 x3 x4) }' >foo2 cmp -s foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.overflow huge sprintf'(The very first bug in my record of bug fixes, in 1987, says that a long string in printf causes a core dump.) Again, the error message identifies the test file and the specific test within it.
Random input, usually generated by program, provides yet another kind of stress data. A small Awk program generates files with lots of lines containing random numbers of fields of random contents; these can be used for a variety of tests. Illegal input is also worth investigating. A standard example is binary data, since Awk expects everything to be text; for example, Awk survives these two tests
awk -f awk "program" is raw binary awk '{print}' awk input data is raw binaryby producing a syntax error as expected for the first and by quietly stopping after some early null byte in the input for the second. The program generally seems robust against this kind of assault, though it is rash to claim anything specific.
Regression tests compare the output of the new version of the program to the output of the old version on the same data. Comparing independent implementations is similar to regression testing, except that we are comparing the output of two independent versions of the program. For Awk, this is easy, since there are several others, notably Gawk.
Independent computation of the right answer is another valuable approach. A shell script writes the correct answer to a file, runs the test, compares the results, and prints a message in case of error, as in the big-string example above. As another illustration, this is one of the tests for I/O redirection:
awk 'NR%2 == 1 { print >>"foo" } NR%2 == 0 { print >"foo" }' /etc/passwd cmp -s foo /etc/passwd || echo 'BAD: T.redir (print > and >>"foo")'This prints alternate input lines with the ">" and ">>" output operators ; the result at the end should be that the input file has been copied to the output.
Although this kind of test is the most useful, since it is the most portable and least dependent on other things, it is among the hardest to create.
Notice that these examples use shell scripts or a scripting language like Awk itself to control tests, and they rely on I/O redirection and Unix tools like echo, grep, diff, cmp, sort, wc. This teaches something about Unix itself, and reminds students of the value of small tools for mechanizing tasks that might otherwise be done by hand.
The most interesting kind of test is the use of specialized languages to generate test cases and assess their results. A program can convert a compact specification into a set of tests, each with its own data and correct answer, and run them. Regular expressions and substitution commands are tested this way. For regular expressions, an Awk program (naturally) converts a sequence of lines like this:
^a.$ ~ ax aa !~ xa aaa axy ""into a sequence of test cases, each invoking Awk to run the test and evaluate the answer. In effect, this is a simple language for regular expression tests: it reads
^a.$ ~ ax the pattern ^a.$ matches ax aa and matches aa !~ xa but does not match xa aaa and does not match aaa axy and does not match axy "" and does not match the empty string
A similar language describes tests for the sub and gsub commands. A third language describes input and output relations for expressions. The test expression is the rest of the line after the word "try", followed by inputs and correct outputs one per line; again, an Awk program generates and runs the tests.
try { print ($1 == 1) ? "yes" : "no" } 1 yes 1.0 yes 1E0 yes 0.1E1 yes 10E-1 yes 01 yes 10 no 10E-2 noThere are about 300 regular expression tests, 130 substitution tests, and 100 expression tests in these three little languages; more are easily added. These languages demonstrate the value of specialized notations, and show how one can profitably separate data from control flow. In effect, we are doing table-driven testing.
Of course, this assumes that there is a version of Awk sufficiently trusted to create these tests; fortunately, that is so basic that problems would be caught before it got this far. Alternatively, they could be written in another language.
Another group of tests performs consistency checks. For example, to test that NR properly gives the number of input records after all input has been read:
{ i++ } # add 1 for each input line END { if (i != NR) print "BAD: inconsistent NR" }Splitting an input line into fields should produce NF fields:
{ if (split($0, x) != NF) print "BAD: wrong field count, line ", NR }Deleting all elements of an array should leave no elements in the array:
BEGIN { for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x[i] = i for (i in x) delete x[i] n = 0 for (i in x) n++ if (n != 0) print "BAD: delete count " n " should be 0" }Checking consistency is analogous to the use of assertions or pre- and post-conditions in programming.
Mechanize. This is the most important lesson. The more automated your testing process, the more likely that you will run it routinely and often. And the more that tests and test data are generated automatically from compact specifications, the easier it will be to extend them. For Awk, the single command REGRESS runs all the tests. It produces several hundred lines of output, but most consist just of filenames that are printed as tests progress. Having this large and easy to run set of tests has saved me from much embarrassment. It's all too easy to think that a change is benign, when in fact something has been broken. The test suite catches such problems with high probability.
Watching test results scroll by obviously doesn't work for large suites or ones that run for a long time, so one would definitely modify this to automate reporting of errors if scaling up.
Make test output self-identifying. You have to know what tests ran and especially which ones caused error messages, core dumps, etc.
Make sure you can reproduce a test that fails. Reset random number generators and files and anything else that might preserve state from one test to the next. Each test should start with a clean slate.
Add a test for each bug. Better tests originally should have caught the bug. At least this should prevent you from having to find this bug again.
Add tests for each new feature or change. While the new thing is fresh is a good time to figure out how to test whether it works correctly; presumably there was some testing anyway, so make sure it's preserved.
Never throw away a test. A corollary to the previous point.
Make sure that your tester reports progress. Too much output is bad, but there has to be some. The Awk tests report the name of each file that is being tested; if something seems to be taking too long, this gives a clue about where the problem is.
Watch out for things that break. Make the test framework robust against the many things that can go wrong: infinite loops, tests that prompt for user input then wait forever for a response, tests that print spurious output, and tests that don't really distinguish success from failure.
Make your tests portable. Tests should run on more than one system; otherwise, it's too easy to miss errors in both your tests and your programs. Commands like the shell, built-ins (or not) like echo, search paths for commands, and the like are all potentially different on different machines, and just because something works one place is no assurance that it will work elsewhere. I eventually wrote my own echo command since the shell built-ins and local versions were so variable.
A few years ago I moved the tests to Solaris from the SGI Irix system where they had lived happily for more than a decade. This was an embarrassing debacle since lots of things failed. For instance, the tests used "grep -s" to look for a pattern without producing any output; the "-s" option means "silent", i.e., status only. But that was true in 7th Edition Unix, not on other systems, where it often means "don't complain about missing files." The "-q" of Linux means "quiet", but it's illegal on Solaris. printf on some systems prints -0 for some values of zero. And so on -- it was a mess, and although the situation is now better, it's still not perfect.
A current instance of this problem arises from the utter incompatibility of the time command on different Unix systems. It might be in /bin or in /usr/bin or a shell built-in (in some shells), and its output format depends on which of those, and if it's a built-in its output can't be redirected! It's tough to find a path through this thicket; I eventually wrote my own version of time.
It has also been harder than anticipated to use Gawk as a reference implementation; although the Awk language is ostensibly standardized, there are enough dark corners -- for instance, when does a change in a field-splitting string take effect -- that at least some tests just produce different answers. The current test suite marks those as acceptable differences, but this is not a good long-term solution.
Check your tests and scaffolding often. It's easy to get into a rut and assume that your tests are working because they produce the expected (i.e., mostly empty) output. Go back from time to time and take a fresh look -- paths to programs and data may have changed underfoot and you could be testing the wrong things. For instance, a few years ago, my "big" data set somehow mutated into a tiny one. Current machines are enough faster than previous ones that I recently increased the "big" data by another order of magnitude.
Keep records. I maintain a FIXES file that describes every change to the code since the Awk book was published in 1988; this is analogous to Knuth's "The Errors of TEX" [knuth] though far less complete. For example, this excerpt reveals a classic error in the C lexer:
Jul 31, 2003: fixed, thanks to andrey chernov and ruslan ermilov, a bug in lex.c that mis-handled the character 255 in input. (it was being compared to EOF with a signed comparison.)As hinted at above, the C lexer has been a source of more than one problem:
Feb 10, 2001: fixed an appalling bug in gettok: any sequence of digits, +,-, E, e, and period was accepted as a valid number if it started with a period. this would never have happened with the lex version.And one more, just to show how bugs can hide for very long periods indeed:
Nov 22, 2003: fixed a bug in regular expressions that dates (so help me) from 1977; it's been there from the beginning. an anchored longest match that was longer than the number of states triggered a failure to initialize the machine properly. many thanks to moinak ghosh for not only finding this one but for providing a fix, in some of the most mysterious code known to man.
One early assignment asks the students to program some variant of the compact regular expression code in Chapter 9 of [tpop]. As part of that they are required to create a number of tests in a format like the specialized language shown above and to write a program to exercise their code using their tests. Naturally I combine all their tests with my own. It's sobering to see how often programs work well with their author's tests but not with test written by others; I continue to experiment with assignments that explore this idea. (It's also sobering to see how often the purported tests are in fact not correct, which is another important lesson.)
I've also tried this assignment with unit tests -- self-contained function calls in a special driver routine -- instead of a little language. The results have been much less successful for checking individual programs, and it's harder to combine tests from a group of sources. For this application, the language approach seems better.
Another assignment asks the students to write a Base64 encoder and decoder from the one-page description in RFC 2045. This is a good example of writing code to a standard, and since there are reference (binary) implementations like openssh, it's possible to mix and match implementations, all controlled by a shell script, to verify interoperability. I also ask students to write a program to generate a collection of nasty tests, which forces them to think about boundary conditions. (It's a good idea to write a program anyway, since it's easier to create arbitrary binary inputs by program than with a text editor. A surprising number of student programs don't handle non-ASCII inputs properly, and this potential error has to be tested for.)
Yet another assignment gives students a taste of a frequent real-world experience: having to make a small change in a big unfamiliar program without breaking anything. The task is to download Awk from the web site, then add a couple of small features, like a repeat-until loop or a new built-in function. This is easily done by grepping through the source looking for affected places, then adding new code by pattern matching old code. Naturally they also have to provide some self-contained tests that check their implementations, and I can run my own tests to ensure that nothing else was affected.
Two years ago, an especially diligent student ran some Gawk tests against the Awk he had built, and encountered an infinite loop in parsing a program, caused by a bug in my lexer. In 1997 I had replaced the ancient Lex lexical analyzer with hand-crafted C code in an effort to increase portability. As might have been predicted, this instead decreased reliability; most of the bugs of the past few years have been in this C code.
In any case, I eventually found the bug but by then it was time for the next class. So I assigned the new class the task of finding and fixing the bug (with some generous hints), and also asked them to find the shortest test case that would display it. Most students fixed the bug, and several came up with tests only 2 characters long (shorter than I had found) that triggered the infinite loop. Unfortunately, since that bug fix is now published, I can no longer use the assignment. Fortunately, the -safe bug described above should work well in its place.
For working programmers, there's no need to belabor the importance of testing. But I have been pleased to see how much testing can be included in a programming course -- not as an add-on lecture but as an integral part of a wide variety of other topics -- and at how many useful lessons can be drawn from it.
It's hard work to test a program, and there are often so many other pressures on one's time and energy that thorough testing can slide to the back burner. But in my experience, once some initial effort has gone into creating tests and, more important, a way to run them automatically, the incremental effort is small while the payoff is very large. This has been especially true for Awk, a language that has lived on far beyond anything the authors would have believed when they wrote it nearly 30 years ago.
[awkbook] Al Aho, Brian Kernighan, Peter Weinberger, The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 1988.
[pearls] Jon Bentley, Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[tpop] Brian Kernighan, Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
[knuth] Donald E. Knuth, "The Errors of TEX". Software--Practice and Experience, v 19, n 7, pp 607-685, July 1989.
[chem] Jon Bentley, Lynn Jelinski and Brian Kernighan, "CHEM - A Program for Phototypesetting Chemical Structure Diagrams", Computers and Chemistry, v 11, n 4, pp 281-297, 1987.
[source] Source code for Awk is available at
[course] The web site for COS 333 is