26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages

The 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 99 for short), was held January 20-22, 1999 at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

The Alamo

Conference Registration

Hotel Reservations

Conference Program

The Menger Hotel

Co-located Workshops

Conference reception site
Sightseeing in San Antonio
Riverboat tour

Reception site

General Chair

Andrew W. Appel
Department of Computer Science
Princeton University
35 Olden Street
Princeton, NJ 08544-2087
Tel.: +1-609-258-4627
Fax: +1-609-258-1771

Program Chair

Alex Aiken
Computer Science Division
773 Soda Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Tel.: +1-510-642-5319
Fax: +1-510-642-3962

Program Committee

The deadline for electronic submissions was July 17, 1998.
This was the call for papers.

Martin Abadi, Digital Equipment Corporation
Alex Aiken, University of California, Berkeley (Chair)
Laurie Hendren, McGill University
Urs Hölzle, University of California, Santa Barbara
Trevor Jim, University of Pennsylvania
Mark Jones, University of Nottingham
Simon Peyton Jones, University of Glasgow
Hanne Riis Nielson, University of Aarhus
Benjamin Pierce, Indiana University
Todd Proebsting, Microsoft Research
Didier Remy, INRIA Rocquencourt
Jon Riecke, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Martin Rinard, MIT
Scott Smolka, SUNY Stony Brook
Mads Tofte, University of Copenhagen

The Riverwalk

Conference Hotel

Menger Hotel
204 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: +1-210-223-4361 Fax: +1-210-228-0022 24-Hour reservations: +1-800-345-9285